End of Year Rollover and Archive
End of Year Rollover and Archive including: Verifying your Enrollment Entering your Student Options for Rollover Using Reports to Validate Results ***Font Size 40 & 22 - Corbel
Verify your actively enrolled Student Count Just before performing the Rollover, Run the Roster for All Sites, Status Active. Solana assumes that you want to purge Inactives, so make sure your Actives for your next school year are Active in Solana before rolling over! Make sure your Total Students number is correct. In some Summer School situations, the Student Information file will only contain records for students attending Summer School and, if imported into Solana, it will have inactivated a great many of your students. Before completing the Rollover, we’ll show you the # of Active students in Solana. Make sure this agrees with your number of returning/enrolling students.
Browse to and click Admin>End of Year Process.
The Solana rollover is straightforward but you have some work to do beforehand. Click the Community tab. You’ll need to consider, and prepare to answer, all of these questions before proceeding. Let’s review each.
Promote Students Before rolling over Solana, you’ll need to know if you should Promote Students. Run your Roster Report. If the Students in Solana are already in next year’s grade, do not check Promote Students. If the Students are in last year’s grade, find your Daily SIS Import Job, uncheck Automate, then Save. Important: After Solana and the Student File have rolled over, re-check Automate.
Purge Graduates: you probably don’t want to and here’s why! Unless purged, Solana retains Graduates as Inactive and maintains their Eligibility and Balance. You can look them up, if for example, someone calls about their money on account. If they return to your district, their account status is simply changed to Active. Most Solana users choose NOT to Purge! Next year, the Graduated Students will ‘roll’ to Inactive and purge, so you’ll only be ‘retaining’ last year’s graduating class each year.
Grade and School Promotion Setup Click Grade Promotion Setup and make sure it’s correct. Typically, 12th Graders promote to G for Graduated. Open School Promotion Setup. Be sure all sites are assigned. Your Central site will promote to itself and the highest Grade will be G. Click in Grade Promotion and Promote To and choose the appropriate Grade and Site.
Carry over all balances if you are not sure of your district policy. Account Balance Options Account Balance Options are straightforward. Carry Over all Balances or Set NEGATIVE balances to zero. Carry over all balances if you are not sure of your district policy. You can adjust Negatives to zero at a future date but you cannot bring back deleted account balances. Know your Start of School date and Ending Date for the next school year and your operational days, especially for the first month of school as this will effect the Temp Status Expiration date.
For this section, you must know: When school starts and ends. Application Options For this section, you must know: When school starts and ends. The date to expire your Temporary Eligibilities (Temp Free and Temp Reduced). Your school calendar for at least the first 45 days of school. Enter School Starts and School Ends dates. Use the Calendar control if you like. Know your Start of School date and Ending Date for the next school year and your operational days, especially for the first month of school as this will effect the Temp Status Expiration date.
Application Options The Temp Status Expiration is calculated and equals: School Starts date + 30 Operational Days Click Configure School Holidays to update your calendar for the upcoming year to correctly calculate the Temp Status Expiration date. Know your Start of School date and Ending Date for the next school year and your operational days, especially for the first month of school as this will effect the Temp Status Expiration date.
Repeat for each group of sites with matching calendars. Application Options In this example, Labor Day, 2018 was added as a Holiday by clicking the Green Holiday bar and then clicking on the date. (Blue dates represent days you’re in school.) Update at least your 1st 45 days: Choose your Central Office site Update the Calendar Save In Copy Calendar Enter From date Enter To date Click Select Schools Repeat for each group of sites with matching calendars. Select All if all sites have the same calendar , then Select. Navigate back to End of Year Process and verify that the Temp Status Expiration is the date you need.
Application Options If the Temp Status Expiration is NOT your expected date, you’ll need to repeat the adjustment of the Calendar until the desired date is shown. Know your Start of School date and Ending Date for the next school year and your operational days, especially for the first month of school as this will effect the Temp Status Expiration date.
Application Options Determine how you want to manage Application Household Members and DC relationships. You will have the option to Purge Non-Student Household Members from the Solana Free & Reduced applications. Most districts choose to not purge but it is up to each district to purge or not. You can also Disassociate the DC Relationships you built during the Direct Certification process. Most do not Disassociate but the choice is yours. Consult with your Free and Reduced administrator to determine your best choices.
Previewing before Committing When you’ve completed Community, click Preview to see a comparison of Before and After data based on the choices you’ve made. These numbers will match those you reviewed on the roster at the beginning. Make sure they are accurate!
Previewing before Committing You can click the Dropdown to see a By Site comparison.
Previewing before committing Once you agree with the Preview data, click the triangle next to Save and then click Complete End of Year.
Previewing before committing You’ll see a recap of your choices. Cancel to return to Community to edit changes or Proceed to complete your Rollover.
The Enrollment Report provides a breakdown per site. Checking the Results Use the Roster Report w/ the Breakout Eligibilities option to review Free and Reduced Grace counts. Use the Roster Report w/ the Breakout Eligibilities option to review Free and Reduced Grace counts. The Enrollment Report provides a breakdown per site. The Enrollment Report provides a breakdown per site.
Does my Solana data get archived? Archiving last year’s data Does my Solana data get archived? * Solana retains Enrollment, Payment , Transaction and Application data for 5 years, automatically. * You’ll be able to lookup previous year’s data through the reports you use daily in Solana. * Inactive students and graduates, if you chose to purge them, are housed in the archived data set. Archiving the data Solana retains transaction and Enrollment data for 5 years, automatically. You’ll be able to lookup previous year’s data thru the reports you use daily in Solana We’ll review how to look up archived data a little later in this lesson.
Archiving last year’s data To pull a list of students for archived years, choose from the dropdown list under Select a Saved View, and choose the School Year.
Archiving last year’s data Using the Application List report you can review application data for previous years.
Archiving last year’s data Use the date or date range fields on various reports to look up previous year’s data. Including Financial and Liability reporting.
Congratulations, You’re on a roll! You have: Updated your calendar. Rolled over the Free and Reduced eligibilities to Temporary status. Verified that your students are in the right Site and Grade.
Thanks again for your time and effort. It’s appreciated!