Comment on “Cortical folding scales universally with surface area and thickness, not number of neurons” by Marc H. E. de Lussanet Science Volume 351(6275):825-825 February 19, 2016 Published by AAAS
Fig. 1 The residual of the fractal model shows a marked trend, whereas the folding constant κ describes the data better than the fractal constant. The residual of the fractal model shows a marked trend, whereas the folding constant κ describes the data better than the fractal constant. (A) The residuals of the fractal model (Eq. 1) show a clear trend as a function of the exposed surface (in log units; note that 0.3 log scale corresponds to approximately a factor of 2). (B) The dimensionless fitting constant of the fractal model, here expressed as k2, shows the same trend (COV = 0.53). Mean and SD are indicated by the gray band. (C) The dimensionless folding constant κ has a considerably smaller COV (0.39) than k2. Data are shown for the 40 species (N = 42) from (1) for which the AE, VT, and VG are reported in the original studies. Marc H. E. de Lussanet Science 2016;351:825 Published by AAAS