IIAM Electronic Referral Demonstration
ELECTRONIC REFERRALS In efforts to save time and streamline efforts, a mechanism to allow for electronic referrals has been built into the IIAM website
ELECTRONIC REFERRALS Benefits: No phone call to IIAM Call Center No call back after speaking with Call Center Referral populates automatically into the IIAM electronic medical record (EMR) IIAM’s first call back to OPO will be after screening and placement has already taken place to inform of outcome The benefit is to SAVE TIME!
HOW DOES IT WORK? Navigate to https://www.iiam.org Click on “Make a Referral”
HOW IT WORKS The first page is for your contact information and to establish proper users of the system (security) Enter the following in the available fields: Your OPO’s four letter UNOS code Your full name Your OPO email address (security level) Callback number Donor UNOS ID Security Measure (I am not a robot)
HOW IT WORKS After the first screen is completed and submitted, the user receives an email with an authorization code.
HOW IT WORKS Enter the code in the email into the screen that appears The security code must be entered within 90 seconds!
HOW IT WORKS Fill in this screen. Many organs can be added in the Organ/Tissue Information section by clicking the “Add Another Organ/Tissue” button. Submit when complete.
HOW IT WORKS Confirmation page that the e-referral has been submitted:
HOW IT WORKS You will receive a confirmation email
THEN WHAT? Offer is transmitted to IIAM EMR IIAM team is alerted to your referral Screening and allocation commences If any errors occur, an error message will display, advising you to call IIAM with offer (phone number provided). The eReferral can be used for the initial organs referred to IIAM. Any subsequent organs referred for same UNOS ID must be referred through the 800-486-4426 toll free line. This protects the donor record from being overwritten or duplicated.
THANK YOU! Questions? Please contact your IIAM Regional Director: mike_vara@iiam.org; 206-669-8925 amberly_jones@iiam.org; 850-944-9785 We look forward to working with you!!