FiND Service, Activity and Organisation Consent Form Families Information Direct (FiND) | : | * | ( 0800 587 7500 or 020 8708 8920 FiND Service, Activity and Organisation Consent Form Advertise your service for free on the FiND website – the one stop information and advice directory for families and practitioners in Redbridge. Name of service, activity or organisation
Guidance on completing the form Families Information Direct (FiND) | : | * | ( 0800 587 7500 or 020 8708 8920 FiND Service, Activity and Organisation Consent Form Guidance on completing the form For advertising your service to families and practitioners in Redbridge on the Family Services Directory (FSD) Where can I find it on the website? FiND staff will ‘tag’ your record based on the nature and description of your service. The majority of services for which families are eligible will be found under Family Services Directory categories What is this form for? Completing this form will enable any service or organisation providing services to families in Redbridge to advertise their service for free on the FiND website. How to complete the form View all pages of the form before completion, including the terms and conditions. Who should complete it? Complete any section of the form as applicable where you see a white box which will expand as you type. If your content goes off the page, do not worry as FiND will still be able to view it. Forms should be completed by or with the agreement of the manager of the service. Where you should send it? Please email your form to along with any attachments (flyers, leaflets, referral forms and logos etc.) and allow a few days for your information to be made live on the website. Caution Please take care when completing the form as parts of the form can be moved around the screen. If this happens, simply click UNDO or press CTRL + Z. What is FiND? Families Information Direct is a one stop information and advice service for families with children aged 0 to 19 (up to 25 for young adults with SEND). FiND works with the full range of practitioners working with families in Redbridge to ensure information is up to date and readily available on the FiND website. Our customers generally fall into one of three categories: Families in Redbridge, be they parents/carers, young people, grandparents and relatives. Families with children and young people with a special educational need and/or disability (SEND) Practitioners working with families who live in or are receiving services from Redbridge Council.
Public info: contact, venue, opening times, costs, age and referral FiND Service, Activity and Organisation Consent Form | Please email completed forms along with any attachments to FiND Service, Activity and Organisation Consent Form Public info: contact, venue, opening times, costs, age and referral Page 1 of 3 OPENING TIMES Include days of the week, opening times and availability COSTS AGES CATERED FOR From To Years Months REFERRAL INFORMATION Detail the referral process as applicable CONTACT AND VENUE INFORMATION Please complete all boxes as relevant Name of service, activity or organisation Name of organisation (if different from above) Named contact(s) Role of the named contact: manager, service lead Telephone: include mobiles and faxes as appropriate Email Website Facebook Please provide full URL link to your Facebook page Twitter Other Address where service is provided Additional venue information Helpful directions and travel information
Public info: Service description and logo FiND Service, Activity and Organisation Consent Form | Please email completed forms along with any attachments to FiND Service, Activity and Organisation Consent Form Public info: Service description and logo Page 2 of 3 INTRODUCTION AND DESCRIPTION OF YOUR SERVICE, ACTIVITY OR ORGANISATION Provide an introduction to your service using paragraphs and bullet points as appropriate. YOUR LOGO (if you have one) Insert a good quality version here OR email it with your form
Back office info about your service, activity or organisation FiND Service, Activity and Organisation Consent Form | Please email completed forms along with any attachments to FiND Service, Activity and Organisation Consent Form Back office info about your service, activity or organisation Page 3 of 3 PERSON COMPLETING THE FORM Complete all boxes as relevant. None of this will be made available to the public Your name If different from previous page Role within the organisation Name of organisation (if different from previous page) Telephone (if different from previous page) Email (if different from previous page) Date form completed (DD/YY/MM) TYPE OF PROVISION Place a Y in the white column(s) as applicable Council or local authority Health Private or voluntary organisation Council-commissioned service Other (please state below)
Families Information Direct (FiND) | : | * | ( 0800 587 7500 or 020 8708 8920 FiND Service, Activity and Organisation Consent Form Terms and conditions How we will use your information The personal data could be your name, email or home address and other contact details. It could also appear in a description of the services being provided by an individual (as opposed to an organisation). the information you have given us and use it for the following purposes: Introduction helping you promote your services providing information to parents, carers and other professionals who work with families The London Borough of Redbridge (throughout this document referred to as “we” or “us”) would like to make information – about you and the services you provide – available to families and people who work with families, other local authorities, members of the public and other services which parents use. The information you provide could also contain what is called ‘sensitive’ personal data for example pertaining to your racial or ethnic origin, religion or because of your involvement in delivering a particular activity or service. helping them choose services which fit their needs running our Families Information Service assessing whether there are enough services of the right kind available locally Allowing us to use information you ‘own’ contributing to government initiatives to support and provide information to parents If you agree to us using this information, we will be able to: You may own the copyright or other similar rights in some of the information that you give us, for example the text that you write to describe your services, including text that may appear on your website, within leaflets or other marketing materials that you may have. 2. make this available to members of the public: promote your services to parents, carers and other professionals verbally - by phone or face to face provide you with details of training, development and other opportunities. in writing – in print or by email or fax digitally – via the Internet, (for example on websites or other online services including our Families Information Service website accessed via our local authority website, on mobile phones, on websites designed for mobiles; mobile applications and text or MMS messaging; within kiosks; digital displays for example televisions, monitors and project or other digital communications mechanisms and devices. Under the Data Protection Act 2018 In case this applies to some of the information you give us, we need your agreement to store, use and pass on this information as well. We need your permission to store and use the information that you give us because some of it may be personal data or sensitive personal data. We will be a ‘data controller’ under this Act. This means that we have responsibility to make sure that your information is stored securely and used responsibly. Your agreement BY providing us with your information – which may include personal data, sensitive personal data and information in which you own the copyright or other similar rights AND It is really important that you do allow us to make your information available in these ways because they are often the most convenient ways for parents to access it. completing the attached consent form YOU ARE specifically giving us permission to:
Families Information Direct (FiND) | : | * | ( 0800 587 7500 or 020 8708 8920 FiND Service, Activity and Organisation Consent Form Terms and conditions Personal data on the Internet The London Borough of Redbridge is required to store your personal data and sensitive personal data securely as required by the Data Protection Act 2018. We will need to ensure that the information we are providing to parents is up to date and accurate on a regular basis and this will be either by email, post or over the telephone. After a 12-month period we will contact you again and ask you to confirm that it is still accurate and ask you to provide your ongoing consent in writing. We will also ask you to confirm if you still want it to be made available. If you do not respond within 1 month of the request the information will be deleted from our systems and the systems of all the organisations that we have shared it with. We will continue to store and use the information concerning you and your registration provided by Ofsted for statistical purposes and for local authority regulated mailings only. Information, personal data, and sensitive personal data available via the Internet may be accessed in territories outside the European Union, which may operate different levels of data protection than apply within the European Union. You have the right to ask for a copy of any personal data or sensitive personal data we store about you as part of the FiND service by contacting us by writing to: Redbridge Families Information Direct, C/o Redbridge Drama Centre, Churchfields, South Woodford, London, E18 2RB For childminders and home child carers only If you provide childcare from your or someone else’s home we will automatically hide part of the address on the Internet and other digital media. This will prevent people from finding out your specific address unless you provide it when they make contact with you. If you are unhappy If you are unhappy about anything relating to the processing or use of your personal data or sensitive personal data, please contact us at Redbridge Families Information Direct, C/o Redbridge Drama Centre, Churchfields, South Woodford, London, E18 2RB. How we will handle your information If you are not satisfied with our response, you may complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office. Their helpline number is 08456 30 60 60. Information on and forms for making complaints are available at