Present Progressive and Simple Present [BEGINNING OF STATIC CHART PRESENTATION (Screens 1-4)] P/u the two charts for “Affirmative Statements” from SB page 4. Also p/u the blue labels “Present Progressive” and “Simple Present” on same SB page. Set “Present Progressive” above left chart, and “Simple Present” above right chart.
Present Progressive and Simple Present P/u 2 charts for “Negative Statements” from SB page 4. Also p/u the blue labels “Present Progressive” and “Simple Present” on same SB page. Set “Present Progressive” above left chart, and “Simple Present” above right chart.
Present Progressive and Simple Present P/u charts “Yes/No Questions” and “Short Answers” from SB page 4. Also p/u the blue labels “Present Progressive” and “Simple Present” on same SB page. Set “Present Progressive” above left charts, and “Simple Present” above right charts.
Present Progressive and Simple Present P/u charts “Wh- Questions” from SB page 4. Also p/u the blue labels “Present Progressive” and “Simple Present” on same SB page. Set “Present Progressive” above left chart, and “Simple Present” above right chart.