Big Era Five lasted from 300 CE to 1500 CE. 2 Patterns of Interregional Unity Big Era Five lasted from 300 CE to 1500 CE. Big Era 6 Big Era 2 300 CE – 1500 CE Big Era 3 Big Era 5 Big Era 4 1800 CE 10,000 BCE 1000 BCE Big Era 2 300 CE – 1500 CE Big Era 3 Big Era 5 Big Era 4 1800 CE 10,000 BCE 1000 BCE
interregional patterns of unity. 3 Microsoft®Encarta®Reference Library 2002. ©1993-2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. interregional patterns of unity.
People migrated to new places in (and out) of Afroeurasia. 4 Population Vikings Mongols Germanic Tribes Turkic Groups Chinese Arabs Bantu-Speaking People of Africa People of Oceania People migrated to new places in (and out) of Afroeurasia.
Population Growth (continued from BE4) WORLD Population grew from 250M to 460M from 200CE - 1500 CE Less in Americas - 50M Slower Geography Isolation Lack of interaction = less collective learning
Population Growth continued: Migration Larger Population: Environment: - deforestation, erosion, flooding, famine Migration for land and resources Impact: forcing out existing people New plants, animals, micro-organisms (disease) Collective Learning: integrated technology and culture War Destruction and new inventions
7 Empires New ruling groups built on the foundations of earlier states and empires.
States and Empires in 600 CE 8 Sui China Silla Parhae Yamoto Japan Harsha’ Empire Chalukya Avar Kingdom Frankish Kingdoms Ghana Axum Sassanid Empire Byzantine Empire States and Empires in 600 CE
States and Empires in 1237 CE 9 Scandanavian Kingdoms Russia England Poland H.R.E. Mongol Empire France Spain Hungary Rum Koryo Portugal Almohad Caliphate Sung China Kamakura Japan Ayyubid Caliphate Delhi Sultanate Mali Angkor Ethiopia Oyo Benin Zimbabwe States and Empires in 1237 CE
States and Empires in 1400 CE 10 Union of Kalmar Russian States Scotland England Poland-Lithuania Khanate of the Golden Horde Jagatai Khanate Holy Roman Empire France Hungary Portugal Castile Ottoman Emp. Korea Timurid Empire Ashikaga Japan Granada Ming China Marinids Hafsids Mamluk Sultanate Mali Ethiopia Siam Oyo Benin Vijayanagara Zanj City-States Majapahit Zimbabwe States and Empires in 1400 CE
Population Growth continued: Trade Increased trade with people moving & increased need for goods Collective learning: spread of culture, religion, language, scholarship ideas, technology, improved transportation, improved communication Improved diets Increased need and use of natural resources Growth of cities & networks between them Complex, more universal banking system
The spread of universal religions from 300-1500 CE Buddhism Hinduism Islam Christianity Ideas 12 The spread of universal religions from 300-1500 CE
Spread of Universal Faiths: Ideas Gave members a sense of community beyond political, class, or ethnic identities. Religious scholars gathered & recorded knowledge and founded schools/universities Stimulated production and exchange of arts, literature, philosophy, and the sciences. Spread of Universal Faiths:
…not until 1492 . . . When Columbus set sail across the Atlantic . . . the Americas and Afroeurasia were not yet permanently linked together. …not until 1492 . . . When Columbus set sail across the Atlantic . . . Microsoft®Encarta®Reference Library 2002. ©1993-2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Afroeurasia and Americas Make Contact! - Very End of BE5 = Trans-Atlantic Travel - first time since the migrations of people over 13,000 years earlier Stern-rudder Compass Lateen Sail Mapmaking Cultural exchange in Afroeurasia before 1500 CE made possible the technologies that in turn permitted transoceanic voyages.
Why did the Europeans (Afroeurasians) “discover” the Americas and not the other way around? - What made it easier for the Europeans and more challenging for the people of the Americas?