CMEP-Prague-Anne MORIN


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Presentation transcript:

CMEP-Prague-Anne MORIN Task 3.1 C QA/QC implementation Après une présentation du contexte national qui pose clairement le sujet des enjeux de la qualité des données et le rôle d’AQUAREF au sein du dispostif de surveillance des milieux aquatique. Je vais tenter en 15 minutes d’introduire aquaref et la journée. Tout d’abord, en vous remerciant d’être venus aussi nombreux , En souhaitant que cette journée permette un dialogue entre ceux qui réalisent et ceux qui demandent . Ce n’est pas si fréquent de pouvoir réunir les prestataies en dehors des réunions de travail qu’ils peuvent avoir avec lesprescripteurs qui passent les marchés . Je via s bien sur introduire aquaref en tentant de faire au plus court car l’objectif de cette rencontre est d’aborder la technique et ensuite je dresserai en quelques slides comment on a imaginé le déroulement de cette journée. June, 30 CMEP-Prague-Anne MORIN

Some history on QA/QC Directive EAQC Wise project -(2006-2009) CMA : QA Joint paper discussed at the 2ndCMA meeting in 2005 Why is there a need for a legally binding text ? to get comparable monitoring information in order to provide a sound basis for Member States to develop programmes of measures aimed at achieving the objectives established under the Directive 2000/60/EC Un petit retour en arrière pour expliquer la naissance d’AQUAREF . Une première réflexion inititiée en 2001 June, 30 CMEP-Prague-Anne MORIN

How to achieve comparability ? General rules for sampling (and sample treatment before reaching the laboratory) should be laid down and harmonised Monitoring laboratories have to participate in external quality control assessment (according to ISO 17025 ) with method properly validated Need to determine common performance criteria for the interpretation of test results of monitoring laboratories Progressive establishment of minimum required performance limits of analytical methods for targeted substances June, 30 CMEP-Prague-Anne MORIN

CMEP-Prague-Anne MORIN Initial Proposals-Core Purpose, definitions (WFD) Sampling and sample treatment (general rules) Analytical methods (validation principles according to annex) Quality control Interpretation of results June, 30 CMEP-Prague-Anne MORIN

CMEP-Prague-Anne MORIN CMA (2006-2009) CMA was an expert group dealing with chemical monitoring for water status : i.e surface (chemical and ecological status) and underground waters. 2006-2009 : discussions and negotiations 2009 : Directive adopted in July to be implemented in august 2011 in MS June, 30 CMEP-Prague-Anne MORIN

CMEP-Prague-Anne MORIN CMEP task 3.1 Originally : case studies to compare the way to implement the directive Questionnaire proposed in Bratislava aiming at highlighting the differences in interpretation of the directive June, 30 CMEP-Prague-Anne MORIN

CMEP-Prague-Anne MORIN Methodology A questionnaire availaible on CIRCA from January to May 2011 16 MS ‘s answers – summarized in a file (CIRCA) 5 parts General aspects ( scope) Sampling aspects Field measurements LQ PT schemes June, 30 CMEP-Prague-Anne MORIN

General aspects – the scope From your understanding, what are the parameters concerned with this directive? Misunderstanding Need to define the scope Substances Physico-chemical Chemical status Ecological status Surface waters Underground waters June, 30 CMEP-Prague-Anne MORIN

CMEP-Prague-Anne MORIN General aspects (2) What type of quality management system(s) will be implemented in your country in order to follow QA/QC directive? From all answers : ISO 17025 is the tool to implement QA/QC , BUT no answer describes how to check requirement for LQ and uncertainty at EQS. Does it mean that accreditation process may take these issues into account ? Or at least , should these rules be included in accreditation audit ? If not, discussion around the process should be discussed. June, 30 CMEP-Prague-Anne MORIN

CMEP-Prague-Anne MORIN Sampling aspects In your country, do you consider sampling to be covered by this directive? 10 Yes- 6 No  In case you have a quality management system for sampling, describe it briefly. Is it organised through ISO 17025?  ISO 17025 or SOP based on ISO 5667 series: 16 answers even if sampling is not considered to be in the scope of the directive for 6 of the MS.   The sampling part has to be discussed June, 30 CMEP-Prague-Anne MORIN

CMEP-Prague-Anne MORIN Field measurements Do you consider that field measurements (pH, Oxygen, etc…) have to be undertaken through ISO 17025 15 positive answers For 7 MS, accreditation is used For 8, SOP, training, QC, internal quality system Only one considered that field measurements are not in the scope. June, 30 CMEP-Prague-Anne MORIN

CMEP-Prague-Anne MORIN LQ aspects The definition of LQ indicates an « acceptable » level of accuracy and precision. Which level will be defined in your country? 4 MS have a definition for LQ based on uncertainty   4 MS using the LQ based on LD   3 MS with no definition yet or no harmonization in the country June, 30 CMEP-Prague-Anne MORIN

CMEP-Prague-Anne MORIN LQ aspects (2) How do you define the concept of “best available techniques not entailing excessive costs” in view of the required minimum limit of quantification? What consequence in term of water status at the end of the process when LQ/2 is used for calculation of the mean ? Different LQ definition Different BAT concept Need to be discussed June, 30 CMEP-Prague-Anne MORIN

CMEP-Prague-Anne MORIN PT schemes How do you assure that PT schemes samples are compatible with monitoring samples in terms of concentration? In terms of matrices? Difficult to find matrices and concentrations compatible with the requirements of the directive : need for an updated european data base of PTs ? Accreditation or equivalent needed for PT suppliers as far as possible Not possible to define common rules for Criteria for performance of the labs Frequency of participation in PT’s June, 30 CMEP-Prague-Anne MORIN

CMEP-Prague-Anne MORIN First Conclusions : How to improve common understanding of the QA/QC directive to ensure that we meet the original objectives of the directive ? Scope Sampling LQ and BAT to achieve LQ June, 30 CMEP-Prague-Anne MORIN

CMEP-Prague-Anne MORIN Conclusion First step of this task : Questionnaire to establish the state of play Some answers still need to be checked Final objective is a CMEP report Clear recommendations needed Next actions to discuss and prepare recommendations /reach consensus ? June, 30 CMEP-Prague-Anne MORIN

Thank you for your attention Many thanks for those who have answered June, 30 CMEP-Prague-Anne MORIN