Candidate Registration & Induction Professional Accreditation through the Association of Cost Engineers allows practitioners in Cost Estimating, Planning, Cost Engineering, Project Control and Commercial Support to progress through four Tiers of Professional Accreditation: Enrolled Registered Incorporated Certified Professional Candidates may enter at any level and progress to the next Tier Practice Paper Full Evidential Assessment Candidate Benchmarking Board Review & Decision Confirmation of Accreditation Certified Professional Cost Engineer Incorporated Cost Engineer Competency Registered Cost Engineer Enrolled Cost Engineer Click on boxes to expand
Candidate Registration & Induction Home Candidate Registration & Induction Candidate submits application form. Board authenticates candidate eligibility and qualifications, and both sponsor credentials Board advises the candidate of the options available for Benchmarking, Fast Track or Full Evidential Assessment, or Eng Tech, IEng or CEng, the assessment procedure and associated fees Full Evidential Assessment Candidate Benchmarking To Engineering Committee or exits Candidate confirms their preferred accreditation option of Benchmarking, Fast Track or Full Evidential Assessment, pays the Application Administration Fee or withdraws X Board Review & Decision Board issues a Commencement Notice and assigns a Board Contact, who hosts a Formal Induction Discussion with the Candidate and at least one Sponsor Confirmation of Accreditation What type of assessment is required? Initial Benchmarking Fast Track CPCostE Full Experiential Assessment
Candidate Registration & Induction Home Candidate Registration & Induction Candidate agrees list of Units to be assessed with the Board Contact – click for list Candidate compiles evidence for assessment. Sponsor authenticates that the evidence and activities described are the Candidate’s own work Full Evidential Assessment Candidate Benchmarking Board Review & Decision Board Contact reviews evidence submitted and signs off the Units of Assessment Confirmation of Accreditation Is further evidence required? No Yes
Candidate Registration & Induction Home Candidate Registration & Induction Candidate completes (or updates) the appropriate Candidate Level Pack, for verification by Sponsors, and then returns it to the designated Board Contact Board Contact reviews Candidate Level Pack for completeness Full Evidential Assessment Candidate Benchmarking Is further information required? No Board Review & Decision Yes Board Contact requests further explanatory information required from the Candidate or sponsors Confirmation of Accreditation Board Contact prepares a report based on the information provided in the Candidate Level Pack and makes a recommendation to the Board.
Candidate Registration & Induction Home Candidate Registration & Induction Board reviews the Level Pack and Report from the Board Contact and/or Assessor Is a Professional Interview required? Full Evidential Assessment Candidate Benchmarking No Yes Board conducts a Professional Interview with the Candidate Board reviews whether the Candidate has met the criteria expected for the Tier in question. Board Review & Decision Has the Candidate been successful? Yes Confirmation of Accreditation No To Appeal or exits Board advises Candidate that additional evidence or experience is required to be Accredited at the Level in question. Candidate notified of right to appeal. X
Candidate Registration & Induction Home Candidate Registration & Induction Board conducts a Professional Interview with the Candidate Board reviews whether the Candidate has met the criteria expected for the Tier in question. Full Evidential Assessment Candidate Benchmarking Has the Candidate been successful? Yes No Board Review & Decision To Appeal or exits Board advises Candidate that additional evidence or experience is required to be Accredited at the Level in question. Candidate notified of right to appeal. X Confirmation of Accreditation
Candidate Registration & Induction Home Candidate Registration & Induction Candidate notified of the successful outcome and the terms and conditions associated with its use and it s period of validity Candidate issued with Certificate, and Continuous Professional Development (CPD) login Full Evidential Assessment Candidate Benchmarking Can the Candidate progress further? Exits X No Board Review & Decision Yes Candidate provided with options for potential further progression through Tiered Accreditation Confirmation of Accreditation Does Candidate wish to progress further? Exits X No or Not at present Yes
Candidate Registration & Induction Application Form Supporting Notes Home Candidate Registration & Induction Application Form Supporting Notes Download from Web Site Candidate Benchmarking Supplied after Benchmarking Level Packs and Questionnaire Enrolled Certified Professional (Fast Track) Certified Professional Incorporated Registered Direct Entry Return to Process Step List of National Units of Assessment Full Evidential Assessment Board Review & Decision Confirmation of Accreditation
Full Evidential Assessment Home 40 Standards in Project Control, Estimating, Planning and Cost Engineering, covering: 1. PC1D Oversee the application of information technology (IT) to Estimating, Planning & Cost Engineering 2. PC3D Identify, analyse and evaluate risks, opportunities and uncertainties, and evaluate options for their control 3. PC5 Monitor and evaluate the implementation of risk, opportunity and uncertainty control measures 4. PC6 Assure and control the quality of Estimating, Planning & Cost Engineering activities 5. PC9 Acquire and handle information needed for Estimating, Planning & Cost Engineering 6. PC10 Provide advice and support to maintain progress 7. PC11 Manage the team – agree objectives with teams and individuals 8. PC12 Manage the team – allocate work 9. PC13 Manage the continuing development of your personal and professional skills 10. PC15D Develop the skills of your professional team members 11. PC16D Develop and maintain effective working relationships 12. PC18 Observe and apply professional ethics and values 13. PC19D Plan and implement the continuous improvement of your Estimating, Planning & Cost Engineering operations 14. PC20D Determine the requirements for Estimating, Planning & Cost Engineering 15. PC21 Estimate the cost of resources 16. PC22 Develop the project schedule including requirement definition 17. PC23 Establish project procurement requirements 18. PC27D Establish Estimating, Planning & Cost Engineering procedures, methods and systems 19. PC29 Develop commercial control procedures 20. PC30D Develop the breakdown coding structures Notes: Not all standards are applicable to each role. Individual Units and Units of Assessment by Level Pack Group are available as downloads – these can be provided by your Board Contact as required. Full Evidential Assessment List of Units cont’d
Full Evidential Assessment Home 40 Standards in Project Control, Estimating, Planning and Cost Engineering, covering: 21. PC31 Establish budgets for control purposes 22. PC32 Establish schedules for control purposes 23. PC35 Monitor, control and report on exposure commitment and expenditure 24. PC37 Monitor, control and report on progress 25. PC39 Select potential suppliers and obtain estimates, bids or tenders 26. PC40D Evaluate bids or tenders and make recommendations on potential suppliers 27. PC41 Prepare the commercial aspects of bid or tender offers 28. PC42 Conclude contractual arrangement for the supply of sub-contracts, goods, materials and services 29. PC43 Forecast the cost of resources used 30. PC44 Forecast and review schedule achievement 31. PC47 Evaluate the information and prepare claim submissions 32. PC48D Provide commercial, estimating, planning or cost engineering support to the agreement of claims 33. PC49 Identify and quantify emerging changes 34. PC50 Ensure the completion of Estimating, Planning & Cost Engineering tasks 35. PC51 Evaluate Estimating, Planning & Cost Engineering performance, information and data 36. PC52D Analyse and interpret statistical data 37. PC54 Develop and calibrate learning curve models for recurring tasks 38. PC56D Identify and promote cost or time savings during the concept and definition phases 39. PC58D Optimise the production or construction method 40. PC60 Apply financial controls and techniques Notes: Not all standards are applicable to each role. Individual Units and Units of Assessment by Level Pack Group are available as downloads – these can be provided by your Board Contact as required. Full Evidential Assessment NUA home