Patterns to help you learn your times tables!
You only need to learn half of your tables! 3 x 7 is the same as 7 x 3 Here are three rows of seven counters Here are seven columns of three counters. They give the same answer!
Two times table All the answers are even numbers The answer is double the question The last digit of the answer has the pattern 2,4,6,8,0,2,4,6,8,0
Three times table If you add up the answer it always adds up to a multiple of 3 (3,6 or 9) 12 1+2=3 15 1+5=6 18 1+8=9
Four times table All the answers are even numbers The question number always doubles and doubles again so 5x4 = (5 doubled=10) double again = 20! 7x4 (7 doubled =14) double it again 28
Five times table The units digit is always a 5 or a 0 The tens digit goes up 1,1,2 2,3,3,4,4,5,5
Six times table All the answers are even numbers Continuous pattern in the units digits 6,2,8,4,0,6,2,8,4,0
Seven times table Can you spot any patterns? Is there a special way you learn this table?
Eight times table All the answers are even numbers Double 4 times table
Nine times table The answers always add up to 9 1+8= 9 2+7 = 9 The tens go up, the units go down You can do a trick with you fingers to show this pattern: Hold out your hands in front of you palms facing you. Hold down your left thumb – 1x9 = 9 Now only hold down your left index finger. Your thumb now becomes the tens for the 1 of 18 and the other fingers become the units of 8 so 2x9=18. Only hold down your left third finger. Your thumb and index finger now becomes the tens for the 2 of 27 and the other fingers become the units of 7 so 3x9=27. and so on…. Until 10x9
Ten times table Answers always end in zero The tens in the answer are always the same as the question. The question is the same as the answer with a 1 in the middle and a nought at the end. 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 3 4 1 4
Eleven times table Answers to 9x11 are the same numbers as the question. From ten x eleven the hundreds and tens go up from 11,12,13 etc and the units go up from zero, 0,1,2 etc To look like a real genius and multiply big numbers by 11 just take the question and add it together to put in middle e.g. 18x11 1_8 add 1and8 makes 9 so put it in middle 198! 25x11 = 2_5 2+5=7 answer is 275!
Twelve times table All answers are even The units go up in twos from repeating from zero to eight. 2,4,6,8,0,2,4,6,8,0 The tens go up in ones 1,2,3,4 (missing out the 5) up to 9x12 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10, 2,4,6,8,0,2,4,6,8,
Tables you just need to know! 6x7 / 7x6 = 42 7x8 / 8x7 = 56 (5678) 9x8 / 8x9 = 72
Learn your tables at home Give your family a game of multiplication war! All you need is a deck of cards and a friend. Jack=10 Queen=11 King=12 Deal out all of the cards so you have half the deck each. Flip over the cards like you are playing snap. The first one to say the answer of the two numbers on the cards wins (say a 4 and a 5 were placed down – first person to say 20 wins). The player with the most correct answers at the end of the cards wins!