We will continue with The Boy in Striped Pajamas after announcements Have a seat quietly We will continue with The Boy in Striped Pajamas after announcements
Scientific Method The purpose of the Scientific Method is to come up with answers for how the world works. It is one thing to observe something, but when you start to pursue the answer to why things are the way they are you begin to do what science is all about.
Scientific Method WHY? This is the great question of science. Why do you know what you know? Why do you believe what you believe?
Prove it! Scientific Method Is there any evidence? Has it been tested? How do you know?
MENTOS Method Perhaps you’ve seen what happens when you place Mentos in a bottle of pop (soda). If so, you know what happens. We are going to explore why it happens?
MENTOS Method In order to do this and truly prove our answer we are going to need to use the right tools, set of a quality experiment with one independent variable, and properly analyze results to find the correct cause for the effects we see. In all this, we need to be sure we avoid errors and bias.
MENTOS Method RECAP of OBJECTIVES Answer the question with proof using one independent variable Use the correct tools Effectively analyze results Find cause for the effect Have no bias and make no errors
When Mentos is placed in pop it bubbles and shoot out the top. OBSERVATION When Mentos is placed in pop it bubbles and shoot out the top.
Which flavor of pop shoots the farthest? QUESTION Which flavor of pop shoots the farthest?
RESEARCH We do research so that we can find out what we already know. We will watch two videos and then you read with your group through the passage in your package. Highlight the important information in the passage and write all your research in the research portion of your package.
ANALYZE RESULTS It is important to be able to analyze results during research and after the experiment.
Notes Science SPI 0807.Inq.3: (Interpret Data) Mandatory Task (Tennessee Requirement) SPI 0807.Inq.3-Interpret and translate data into a table, graph, or diagram. Data Interpretation: 4 Steps (Summarized Version) Step 1: Carefully examine it. Step 2: Look for patterns/trends Step 3: Figure out what the question is asking. Step 4: Find the answer (may be in the pattern/trend)
What do you notice when you examine this table? SPI 0807.Inq.3: (Interpret Data) Notes Science (1) Closely examine the table, graph, or diagram What do you notice when you examine this table? City X Avg Temp City Y Avg Temp 12 months Avg monthly temp (in Celsius)
Notes Science SPI 0807.Inq.3: (Interpret Data) (2) Look for patterns in the way the data is organized and displayed What patterns do you see with this data? January February City Y-Lowest temps (coldest) are also Dec, Jan and Feb City X-Lowest temps (coldest) are Dec, Jan and Feb December
Notes Science SPI 0807.Inq.3: (Interpret Data) (2) Look for patterns in the way the data is organized and displayed What other patterns do you see with this data? June, July, and Aug are the highest temps (hottest) for both cities June July August
Notes Science SPI 0807.Inq.3: (Interpret Data) (2) Look for patterns in the way the data is organized and displayed For both cities the lowest temps happen in the coldest winter months For both cities the highest temps happen in the hottest summer months Also for both cities moderate temps temps occur in spring and fall January February Spring June July August Fall December
Notes Science SPI 0807.Inq.3: (Interpret Data) (2) Look for patterns in the way the data is organized and displayed Are there any other things that you notice? Look at the temps of these two cites… …which city is generally warmer? City X is cooler City Y is warmer
Notes Science SPI 0807.Inq.3: (Interpret Data) (3) Read over the question and determine specifically what it is asking There is nothing in the table about wind speed. So letter A probably is not the right answer
Notes Science SPI 0807.Inq.3: (Interpret Data) (3) Read over the question and determine specifically what it is asking There is nothing in the table about humidity So letter B probably is not the right answer
Notes Science SPI 0807.Inq.3: (Interpret Data) (3) Read over the question and determine specifically what it is asking There is nothing in the table about rainfall So letter D probably is not the right answer
Notes Science SPI 0807.Inq.3: (Interpret Data) (3) Read over the question and determine specifically what it is asking Cities on the equator are closer to the sun, so these cities are generally hotter than cities in other areas of our planet So letter C is the correct answer. City X is generally colder than City Y, so it is logical to assume that City X is further from the equator
Different types of charts, tables, and graphs SPI 0807.Inq.3: (Interpret Data) Notes Science Different types of charts, tables, and graphs Tables Tables/charts are used to organize exact amounts of data and to display numerical information. Tables do not show visual comparisons.
Different types of charts, tables, and graphs SPI 0807.Inq.3: (Interpret Data) Notes Science Different types of charts, tables, and graphs Pie Charts A pie chart is a circular chart divided into sectors Best used for comparing parts to a whole The total amount should equal 100% Works well for comparing 6 or fewer items, but more than six items becomes difficult to view and interpret
SPI 0807.Inq.3: (Interpret Data) Notes Science Pie Charts: Examples
Different types of charts, tables, and graphs SPI 0807.Inq.3: (Interpret Data) Notes Science Different types of charts, tables, and graphs Bar Graph Bar graphs are used to compare facts. The bars provide a visual display for comparing quantities in different categories Bar graphs help us to see relationships quickly.
Notes Science SPI 0807.Inq.3: Bar Graph: Example (Interpret Data) Example: A survey of student's favorite after-school activities was conducted at school The table shows the results Note: Since the data is not changing over time, a line graph would not be best for displaying this data. A bar graph is better.
Different types of charts, tables, and graphs SPI 0807.Inq.3: (Interpret Data) Notes Science Different types of charts, tables, and graphs Line Graph Line graphs are used to display data or information that changes continuously over time. Line graphs allow us to see overall trends such as an increase or decrease in data over time.
SPI 0807.Inq.3: (Interpret Data) Notes Line Graph: Example Science
Fuel Efficiency (miles per gallon) Tuesday Science Stater 9/1/15 a. Car W has fuel efficiency worse than car Y, but is better than car Z. b. Car Z has fuel efficiency worse than car Y, but is better than car W c. Car Y has the worst fuel efficiency d. Car X has the best fuel efficiency The fuel efficiency of four different cars is shown in the table below. Cars that burn fewer gallons of gasoline per mile are more fuel efficient. Understanding this fact, which answer choice below best matches the data in the table. Fuel Efficiency Data Car Fuel Efficiency (miles per gallon) W 21 X 29 Y 16 Z 42