Velocity of hygrobots. Velocity of hygrobots. (A) The difference between l and lp corresponds to a distance that a hygrobot advances a period. (B) Velocity of hygrobots as a function of the period of humidity variation. Circles correspond to the experimentally measured velocity. Blue and red lines are theoretically calculated velocity and maximum change of curvature, respectively. (C) Velocity of hygrobots as a function of the active layer thickness. Circles and lines correspond to experiment and theory, respectively. (D) Contour map of the hygrobot velocity as a function of active layer thickness and period. (E) Velocity of various animals and robots measured in body length (BL) per second versus body mass. For data, see tables S1 to S3. (F) Hygroscopic actuation systems of different designs from Fig. 2C, which can also propel themselves under temporal variation of environmental humidity. The corresponding movie and details are in movie S2 and section S2. Beomjune Shin et al. Sci. Robotics 2018;3:eaar2629 Copyright © 2018 The Authors, some rights reserved; exclusive licensee American Association for the Advancement of Science. No claim to original U.S. Government Works