LAMAS Working Group 7-8 December 2016 Agenda Item 4.3 Ad hoc requests and confidentiality Eurostat
Background LAMAS June 2016: further investigate 'specific rules for spec. organisations for spec. purposes' Tables without flags and with flags 'b' Should be considered as tables on Estat Website Protocol on impartial access and Code of practice Tables with flags 'a' and 'c' Should be considered as confidential data Regulation (EC) n°223/2009 (Article 21) List of organisations proposed Replacement techniques (Handbook, further work) Eurostat
LAMAS exchange of views Tables without flags and with flags 'b' General description of the applied rule is sufficient Sometimes against confidentiality (e.g. table asked by trade unions) Who decides criterion for 'b' flag => List of requests on Estat Website WITHOUT any reference to user (only info on variables) Replacement techniques Need more information to decide => Estat will further work on the basis of the SDC Handbook Eurostat
LAMAS exchange of views Tables with 'a' and 'c' Eurostat
LAMAS exchange of views Tables with flags 'a' and 'c' Authorization for each individual case? => global agreement Already done at national level Specify circumstances; when it is 'necessary', use of the data, own computation but not publication, compliant with ESS rules => need to define statistical purposes Add in list: statistical bodies regulated by statistical law, UNESCO, IMF, Ministries, those who have access to micro-data => which revision of the list? Eurostat