General Update Jian-ping Chen, JLab SoLID Collaboration Meeting January 12-13, 2016
Overview Progress Since Last Meeting (Sept) Long Rang Plan report coming out in October SoLID fare very well: highlighted multi-places DOE visit/discussions (Nov) Successful: Paul’s presentation Timeline, Pre-R&D plan Discussions/iterations Address Recommendations: Science SIDIS, PVDIS, J/y, GPDs Progress in subsystems Magnet: JLab plan (Whit) Detectors: ECal, TOF, … DAQ/Electronics Software frame/Tracking Simulations: background due to hadron production Collaborations China side, US side, Europe
LRP, DOE visit, timeline and pre-R&D plan LRP: Two budget scenarios: SoLID will happen (MIE) Effort towards SoLID encouraged by DOE, start pre-R&D Timeline End 2016: Address recommendations related to science review Spring 2017: Update pCDR -> Draft MIE Summer 2017: Science Review Feb 2018: Budget briefing to have SoLID in 2017/2018: CD0 FY2020: CD3, start full project Pre-R&D: before CD0. 1st year prepare for science review: simulations, magnet, DAQ 2nd year prepare for MIE: detectors, simulations Effort continues/increases after CD0 (PED: Project Engineering and Design) A document on pre-R&D plan is in preparation.
Recommendations Related to Science SIDIS Make strong science case: workshops (Stony Brook, ECT, INT) Comparison with CLAS12/SBS Study systematics Tracking Kaon identification (TOF) PVDIS Background study Q2/performance/systematcis J/y Bin Migration Background Developing GPD program DDVCS Others
Progress in Sub-Systems (ECal) The first prototype module was assembled at Shandong U. (China). It was took out from the assemble platform on 1/7/2016
Collaboration and Outside Funding China: - Tsinghua U (Yi Wang) joined Ecal effort - J.P. visited Central China Normal University in Octorber seminar on SoLID and discussed possible collaboration experience in Alice ECal (Shyshlak) and other detectors/electronics - Haiyan organized a meeting in Dec with SoLID-China collaborators. Discussed how to proceed with funding applications. - End of Dec., GEM R&D funding application by Lanzhou/USTC/CIAE submitted to MOST (Minster Of Science and Technology) - Plan to re-submit ECal R&D proposal (IMP/Shandong/Huangshan) to NSFC US and Europe - J.P. visited LBNL in Dec., seminar on SoLID, discussed possible collaboration - J.P. will visit Rice U. in Feb., seminar on SoLID - Daniel Watts (Edinburgh) requested to be SoLID collaboration member - Fatitha Benmokhtar (Duquesne University) interested in SoLID - Original SoLID postdocs and students Need a Collaboration Charter / By-laws.
Current Collaboration Structure