Beam-beam limit estimated by a quasi-strong-strong simulation K. Ohmi (KEK) e+e- Factories 03@SLAC 13-16 Oct. 2003
Introduction Equilibrium distribution of two beams is estimated by PIC based quasi-strong-strong simulation. Luminosity beam-beam limit due to incoherent effect is given. Coherent motion is assumed to be suppressed.
Equilibrium distribution of two beams Vlasov equation Fokker Plank equation D:rad. damping B:rad. excit.
Quasi-strong-strong method *** Beam-distribution used potential calculation is averaged and revised in every n0 turn.
Briefly speaking Repetition of weak-strong simulation. Strong beam is determined by average of previous weak-strong cycle.
Characteristics Self consistent equilibrium distribution can be obtained by PIC method with very high statistics (>10M) and with short calculation time (30min for 1M turns at KEK super computer). Coherent motion is completely suppressed.
Luminosity of Super KEKB 2D PIC Particle 10000 , n0=500 : Npn0=5M L beam-beam parameter Red: quasi-strong-strong Blue: strong-strong
Super KEKB sy Quasi Strong-strong Strong-strong
Beam-beam limit v.s. damping time
Beam-beam limit for various machine Beam-beam limit is function of damping time. The limit also depends on tune. The limit is 0.1 for B factories, 0.06 for t-charm factories. The results are not quite stable. Need more studies.
For longer damping time
For long damping time or no damping Beam-beam limit was about 0.03 for the damping time 106 turns. Proton beam had higher beam-beam limit. Perhaps, diffusion which is enhanced by radiation excitation is weak for proton beam without any excitation. Protons are unmatched due to beam-beam force. We have to study feasibility of this model for proton beam without damping.