Ancient Egyptian-style PORTRAITS
Ancient Egyptian Art
Art Vocabulary Figure Portrait Profile Frontal
Relief sculpture of Metjetji Limestone; painted; Centimetres: 82.3 (height), 67 (width); 2375-2321 BC; Old Kingdom; late 5th or early 6th Dynasty; Area of Origin: Tomb of Metjetji; Saqqara; Egypt; Area of Use: Tomb of Metjetji; Saqqara; Ancient Egypt
Pose and Gesture Poses of major figures were usually relatively motionless, limited to standing, walking, sitting, and kneeling. worshiping both arms extended forward with hands upraised presenting, offering both arms extended forward with an object held in one or both hands ready to receive offerings seated with one or both arms resting on one's lap, palms down summoning one arm extended forward with the palm open protecting both arms extended out to the sides with the palms facing forward rejoicing both arms extended out to the sides with palms turned away from the body praising crouched on one knee, one arm raised and the other held against the chest with clenched fist mourning arms raised with palms turned toward the face