Masonic Hoax 1
Introduction What is Masonic Secrecy? Information vacuum Misrepresentation of facts Anti-Masons Conspiracy theories 2
Anti-Masonry Anti-Masonry defined 1698 anti-Masonry in London William Morgan The Anti-Masonic Party Bolsheviks, Franco, Mussolinin, Hitler, radical Islam. 3
Knights Templar Facts – Beginnings – Growth – Death The Myth 4
The Illuminati An old, short lived, secret society. Modeled on Masonrys principle of secrecy. Resulted in outlawing membership in unauthorized groups. Dan Browns Angels & Demons enlarged the legend and connected it to Masonry. 5
The Morgan Affair Background Character Eavesdropper Kidnapping Trials Results 6
Albert Pike Life Education Military & Masonic career Morals & Dogma 7
The Taxil Hoax Background The Hoax The Confessions 8
Riding the GOAT Comic relief? God of All Things Great Architect of the Universe 9
Masonry on the Map Masonry and Washington D.C. Other cities with S&C – The palace of Vauban in Paris – The Piazza Del Popolo in Rome – Versailes, France – Sandusdky Ohio 10
Verticals, Horizontals, and Diagonals G 11
The One Dollar Bill Star of David making the word MASON The Facts 12 M A S O N
The Statue of Liberty, a Masonic Idea Conception Claims of Masonic secrecy Construction Cornerstone Ceremony 13
The Helocaust Hitler outlaws Masonry Anti-Masonic Exposition Mistaken teachings of the equality of man Estimated deaths Forget-me-not 14
Hollywood & Books vs. Fact Misinformation vs. factual writing 15
In Conclusion Our Intentions Masonrys basis in fact Encountering the uniformed or anti-Mason 16
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