Homo erectus
Stats Avg. Height 5’5” - 5’9” which is similar to modern humans Brain 800-1100 cc, 2/3 the size of ours Larger jaw than us
Shelter Caves, because they had better tools to defend themselves and fire to keep predators away Crude huts made of sticks and mud
Date & Location Africa, Asia & Eastern Europe 1,600,000 -300,000 BCE
Climate Climate varied depending on location Cooler in Europe & Asia, hot and dry in Africa
Tools Hand ax to chop, gut animals and smash things open Flint rock to make fire Knives made of stone to cut meat from the carcass
Extras Upright man 1st true hunters 1st to make fire 1st to migrate out of Africa to follow big game
Diet Ate clams, shell fish, fruit, veggies, tubers, nuts & meat Cooked meat to kill diseases & make meat softer