2018 Energy Facility Contractors Group (EFCOG) Safeguards and Security Working Group (SSWG) Meeting Opening Remarks Tuesday, July 17, 2018 Marc A. Brooks, CPP, CISSP Director, Office of Security Policy (AU-51)
EFCOG Workgroup Liaison Responsibilities David M. Klaus - Deputy Under Secretary for Management and Performance Memorandum, “EFCOG Workgroup Liaison Responsibilities” dated August 13, 2014 Department has a long history of partnering with our contractors through EFCOG to improve operations by developing and disseminating solutions to common problems, lessons learned and best practices To promote greater accountability and transparency, at the beginning of each fiscal year EFCOG Chairs will provide you with annual work plan that includes specific deliverables with completion dates and resource requirements that project contractor staff time and travel expenditures for all working group activities for which contractors plan to seek reimbursement Liaisons will review the resource requirements and plans in collaboration with impacted programs, make determinations as to which activities will be supported by the Department, and advise the EFCOG Working Group Chairs of these determinations The deliverables identified must be consistent with the goal of operating and managing DOE facilities and contracts in a safe, environmentally sound, efficient, and cost-effective manner At the end of each fiscal year, the EFCOG Working Group chairs will submit copies of their work products, as well as a report of the expenditures of contractor time and costs, including travel; and will cover costs for which contractors are seeking reimbursement Working Group Liaison should attend working group meetings, as deem appropriate participate in discussions on matters of mutual interest, and engage in exchanges of information relevant to DOE priorities Working Group Liaison may not direct the activities of the working group or encourage contractors to perform work that will be charged to their contract
EFCOG Workgroup SSWG Meetings December 2014 @ NFO (The Insider Threat – Risks, Mitigation Measures and Best Practices) June 2015 @ NTC (Security Technologies) June 2016 @ LLNL October 2016 @ Y-12 June 2017 @ DOE Headquarters/Germantown MD (Working Meeting) MC&A Subgroup to develop best practices document to assist with surveillance implementation (i.e., two person rule, alternate surveillance, unique concepts with local approval Physical Protection Subgroup to develop best practices document to assist with protective force staffing Information Subgroup to develop best practices documents to assist with IOSC categorization
EFCOG SSWG Future… Draft DOE Safeguards and Security Priorities Q Clearance and Need-to-Know – Managing intellectual control of information Committee for National Security Systems (CNSS) 510: Directive on the Use of Mobile Devices Within Secure Spaces, implementation Security Directives in Contracts Risk Assessment Tool Methodology for Analyzing and Prioritizing Policy Requirements and Integrating Them for Effectiveness (MAPPRITE) Collaborate with impacted programs to inform the development of the draft FY19 EFCOG SSWG Work Plan
Questions?? Marc A. Brooks, CPP, CISSP Director, Office of Security Policy (AU-51) Office: Germantown Building, Room D-327 Email: Marc.Brooks@hq.doe.gov Office: (301) 903-4291 Mobile: (240) 204-3438