Ch 1, Sec 1. Converging Cultures.
A. Geography and culture of 13 Colonies. 1. New England – Subsistence farming (your own family) due to thin and rocky soil; maritime activity; lumber; Puritans in Mass.
2. Middle Colonies – wheat was main cash crop; new wave of immigrants moved here; “holy experiment” for religious freedom and voice in gov’t in Penn. by William Penn & Quakers. William Penn
William Penn’s Treaty with the Indians, by Benjamin West (1771-72) 1682 Founding of Penn. Penn bought land from the Indians with cloth and other goods. Painted after Penn died.
3. Southern Colonies – tobacco was. main cash crop; plantations; 3. Southern Colonies – tobacco was main cash crop; plantations; proprietary colony (Maryland) with one owner and can govern how they wanted. Proprietary Colony - coin money, appoint gov’t officials, tax, and raise an army. George Calvert (aka Lord Baltimore) wanted to make a Catholic refuge, Maryland passed the Toleration Act in 1649; grant religious toleration to all Christians in colony.
a). Indentured servants (James. Oglethorpe helped create Georgia) – a) Indentured servants (James Oglethorpe helped create Georgia) – poor British signed contracts w/ colonists. b) Slave codes – kept Africans from owning property, receiving an education, moving about freely, or meeting in large numbers. Indentured servants - Agreed to work for 4 or more years in return for paid passage to America, free food, clothing, and shelter. People were imprisoned in England if they could not pay their taxes/debts.
4. Women – Like Jews, did not have equal rights; Married women could not own property, make contracts, or wills. Husbands could physically discipline children & wives. Single women had more rights.