A 5 minute introduction… www.the-eis.com A 5 minute introduction…
What is the EIS? Environmental Information Service Namibia Several components: a free, online information resource for Namibia. Essentially a search and retrieval system for data, (including databases, spatial data, literature and other resources). It currently includes 13,000 records, most of which have a downloadable file or a link to a website. Namibia has a surprisingly large amount of environmental information and data. However it can be difficult to access: difficult to know what information and data sets are available, where, who to contact, how cooperative they will be in releasing it etc www.the-eis.com
Search options Environmental Information Service Namibia From the home page you can do a One-click search for all records of a particular type, or within a subject area (theme). Other search options include free text search or search by keyword. www.the-eis.com
Search results: Environmental Information Service Namibia If you want to filter or sort your results use the filter row, here. Preview pdf files online before you download them. Click on a link in the ‘Download’ column to download the data set. Go to results on linked websites. www.the-eis.com
The EIS is a useful, free tool for finding and disseminating data. Environmental Information Service Namibia The EIS is a useful, free tool for finding and disseminating data. It is also a tool for collecting new biodiversity data through its Citizen Science section: Mammal atlas Snake atlas Alien plant atlas Amphibian atlas www.the-eis.com/atlas www.the-eis.com
Atlasing in Namibia – new citizen science programmes for biodiversity recording: Mammals Snakes Alien plants Frogs www.the-eis.com/atlas
Data collection Baseline distribution data Education & awareness Monitoring, especially of alien plants and their spread
www.the-eis.com/atlas/?q=bird-information-system www.the-eis.com Bird Information System – recent and historical distribution data, interactive maps, red data status and texts www.the-eis.com/atlas/?q=bird-information-system www.the-eis.com
Birds & Powerlines tool: Interactive tool to examine potential interactions between bird and powerlines www.the-eis.com/tool.php
New: Photo library – new component to archive and display photos New: Photo library – new component to archive and display photos. Info relating to e.g. land use, land use changes, human settlement, vegetation, climate and so on www.the-eis.com/photo-library
1. Find photos 3. Download photos 2. View thumbnails
BREAKING NEWS! Online at www.nje.org.na Volume 1 will be Namibian Journal of Environment Online at www.nje.org.na Volume 1 will be starting in 2017. Submit your articles (peer reviewed) and field notes.
The EIS is a useful, free tool for finding and disseminating data. Environmental Information Service Namibia The EIS is a useful, free tool for finding and disseminating data. How can it be of use to researchers involved in animal movements and satellite tracking? You tell me….! www.the-eis.com