University High APUSH and Advanced U.S. History April 17, 2019 University High APUSH and Advanced U.S. History
President Carter and Foreign Policy Read both the Department of State Document about Carter’s Foreign Policy and the Iran hostage crisis What are the positive and negative aspects of Carter’s foreign policy? (make a t-chart) In what ways were Carter’s policies similar to and/or different from other Presidents in the 1960’s-1970’s? In what ways were Carter’s policies similar to and/or different from recent presidents?
Iran Hostage Crisis Explained Iranian Revolution1979: Iran overthrew Shah Pahlavi, giving power to Ayatollah Khomeini Shah Pahlavi escaped to the U.S. for cancer treatment Iranian college students captured the U.S. embassy in Tehran, holding 52 American diplomats and citizens hostage in exchange for the Shah’s return to stand trial in Iran April 24, 1980: failed rescue mission 8 dead American servicemen and 1 dead Iranian civilian Hostages eventually returned in January 1981
The rise of Modern Political Parties and Ideologies University High APUSH
What important issues are not mentioned in this article? Washington Post Article: “What Republicans and Democrats have disagreed on, from 1856 to today” Given the timelines included in this article, what do you believe the most important turning point is? Justify your choice. Of the issue categories mentioned, which one do you believe is the most important to you if you were deciding which of two candidates to vote for? Why? For that issue, when was the most important turning point in the development of each party’s stance on that issue? What important issues are not mentioned in this article?
1980 Presidential Election
1980 Election President Jimmy Carter was REALLY unpopular in 1980 Iran Hostage situation, rampant inflation (“stagflation”), and Carter’s persona Barely won the 1980 Democratic nomination over Ted Kennedy Ronald Reagan, former Governor of California Previous Presidential candidate, the “Great Communicator” and “best television candidate ever” VERY conservative platform: cut government spending (especially on entitlements), lower/abolish taxes, strong anti- communist rhetoric, strong anti-abortion rhetoric
1980 Election outcome Reagan won in a landslide 489 to 49 in the Electoral College Iran hostages released the day of Reagan’s Inauguration A major part of Reagan’s support came from the ‘moral majority’, A coalition of evangelical Christians that formed to support the Republicans due to their stances on social issues (ironically, Jimmy Carter was a very outspoken Christian himself)
“Moral majority” Questions Read the speech excerpt by Jerry Falwell Sr. and answer the accompanying questions