The 6 Regions of Canada The Plains Region
Political Boundaries The Plains region lies between the Shield and the Cordillera region. It includes the southern parts of Manitoba and Saskatchewan, most of Alberta, and parts of BC and the NWT.
Physical Features The Plains region contains 3 distinct prairie levels that start in Manitoba and move west. The region includes flat plains, plateaus, and gentle rolling hills.
Population About two thirds of the region’s people live in towns and cities (over half of Manitobans live in Winnipeg).
Economy Farming & Ranching are important economic activities with Wheat being the main cash crop. Ranching for beef production is very important in Alberta, which has about 40% of Canada’s beef herd.
Large reserves of oil were discovered in Alberta and Saskatchewan after World War 2.
Canadian Identity Timeline Read pg. 15 – 17 in Canada Today. Make a list of all the dates mentioned and the events that happened. Create a Timeline displaying these dates and events. For each date create a small visual representing the event. Find 5 other dates (after 1971) that you feel are significant to Canada's past.