40. Separation history and physical examination (SHPE) Element 40 Pg. 196 My name, current occupation and past military experience WHO IN HERE HAS HEARD OF SEPERATION HISTORY AND PHYSICAL EXAM?
PURPOSE of SHPE Any medical conditions developed during service requiring ongoing care are identified and documented in the members Service Treatment Record This is the objective basis for VA benefits claim
ALL separating active duty service members must undergo a SHPE STANDARD of SHPE ALL separating active duty service members must undergo a SHPE Reserve and National Guard members who have served a minimum of 180 days on active duty must also have a SHPE completed HAVE SOMEONE READ THE FIRST PARAGRAPH
WHY IS SHPE IMPORTANT? Useful to support ongoing medical treatment needs and can aid in making health care choices If applying for VA benefits SHPE assists in establishing a service connection for any medical conditions developed (prior to sep or future) If applying for VA Benefits, the VA disability exam meets SHPE requirements If the member does not apply for VA benefits or have enough time to complete BDD prior to sep they will have to receive their SHPE through their MTF. ** When I got out of the Navy I went and did the Comp and Pen exam through the VA for disability and this was a lot easier in my opinion, this would be your diabilty rating anywhere from 0 to 100%
Shpe and service treatment record (str) Ensure your medical and dental records are up to date and stored at your MTF Why-this can impact your VA rating and ongoing treatment needs (if you're receiving treatment from providers out in town at other clinics, hospitals, medical centers – ensure that is in your STR too)
WIIFM for shpe Continuity of care (future healthcare) Helps establish service connection for VA Disability ratings (money)
Tricare Patient Portal (link is on pg. 196) NAVADMIN 187/16 DD 2807-1 Resources Tricare Patient Portal (link is on pg. 196) NAVADMIN 187/16 DD 2807-1 VA MSCs (regarding BDD / setting up C&P Exam) VSOs (DAV, American Legion, VFW etc.) VSO can assist with follow up and advocate re BDD claim
Questions? THANK YOU!