Publishing Sitecore how-to
2 Who is this guidance for? Those with admin access. If you dont see the Publish button under the Publish tab, most of this how-to guide doesnt apply.
3 Terminology Well call this Publish > Publish Well call this Review > Publish
4 Whats the difference? Review > Publish pushes a new or newly- amended item into the final stage of workflow AND then publishes it to the live site. Publish > Publish publishes the most recent publishable version of an item to the live site regardless of whether you have just amended it or not. So you can use it to republish a page without having to edit its content first. (See slide 8 for why you may want to do this.)
5 Publishing a new page Once the item is ready to go live, all you need to do – after saving – is push Review > Publish Item is moved to the final workflow step AND published – usually within a few minutes
6 Publishing a new (or newly-amended) page AND its children In this case, use Review > Publish followed by Publish > Publish 1.From dropdown menu, select Publish Item 2.Leave settings at default (Smart Publish and Publish Subitems) 3.Press Publish
7 Why would you also publish child pages? When you have changed the order of a group of sibling pages and you need the re-ordered menu to publish immediately When you have deleted one or more of a pages children from Sitecore and you want to remove them from the live site immediately When you are cascading a panel from the parent page
8 Other uses for the Publish > Publish button When you change the item name (and hence URL), press Publish > Publish to make the change live. No need to use the dropdown – just push the button: When you need to pull in a new or updated page element. For example, when you update a panel and want the page on which it sits to display the new version immediately.
9 Scheduled publishing Full-site publish happens at midnight and 06:00. You can set content in advance to publish at either of these times on whatever date you specify. See how-to guide on scheduled publishingscheduled publishing