Figurative Language simile hyperbole personification metaphor Alliteration onomatopoeia
comparing it with something Simile: a way of describing something by comparing it with something else using "like" or "as"
I am hungry as a horse. You run like a rabbit. She is happy as a clam. She is happy as a clam. He is sneaky as a snake.
something by comparing it Metaphor: A way of describing something by comparing it to something else
The girl was a fish in the water. The clown was a feather floating away.
Personification to compare something that is not human as if it had human characteristics
The flowers danced in the wind. The friendly gates welcomed us. The Earth coughed and choked in all of the pollution.
Using words to overexaggerate Hyperbole: Using words to overexaggerate an idea or concept.
There were a million flowrs dancing in the wind. The gate was so high that it reached the sky. The Earth is dead from all of the pollution.
Alliteration: Repetition of the first consonant
Stan the strong surfer saved several swimmers on Saturday. Tiny Tommy Thomson takes toy trucks to Timmy’s on Tuesday. Click here to read more alliterations.
Onomatopoeia: Words that are sounds
Yeeeeee Ahhhhhhhh Swish swish swish Chug chug chug!! Swish swish swish Chug chug chug!! Glippp Gluppp Gluppp
Words that create a vivid picture Imagery: Words that create a vivid picture in the reader’s head
What does she look like? The 5’3” blond skateboarder bounded rapidly into the room with her hair shoulder length ponytail swinging across her shoulders and a wide toothy smile on her face. She wore navy blue acid washed skinny jeans with a bright red Areopostle shirt, Aeropostle written across the chest, and baby blue vans with a white trim.
Foreshadow: To give a hint Or suggestion before hand
What is going to happen… Meg snatched the report card from her binder as she slowly walked downstairs to where her parents sat. She took as long as possible to walk down the stairs. Fear stirred in her heart; she knew they would be disappointed. She looked over her grades one more time: 2 F’s and 4 A’s. How had this happened. She could already hear her mother’s harsh words in her ear. This was going to be a long 2 months without everything that she loved.
Now you try!!
WE WILL FOCUS ON… Simile – comparison using like or as Metaphor – comparison without like or as Personification – makes nonhuman objects human like Hyperbole – overexaggeration
Figurative Language… Identify The Type ANSWERS Mackenzie was as tired-looking as wilted lettuce. Wilbur was a library of information. The tree roots slurped up the heavy rain. Our cat Jinx ruled the entire household. Simile: Mackenzie was weary. Metaphor: Wilbur knew a lot. Personification: The tree needed rain. Hyperbole: Jinx got his own way.
TIME FOR MORE PRACTICE DO THIS: Work to complete the figurative language #19 handout (10 points). Revisit the figurative language section of your study guide and make sure that you have your answers correct.