The terrestrial planets
What is terrestrial planet? The four inner planets are considered terrestrial planets Terrestrial means made of rock Inner planets have a rocky composition compared to the outer planets
Mercury Closest planet to the sun 0.39 AU from sun 0 moons 1 rotation is 59 Earth days Mariner visited in 1975, Messenger 2011 Temperatures on its surface can reach as high as 467 degress C and as low -183 degrees C
Venus 2nd planet from the sun 0.72 AU from sun 0 moons 1 rotation is 243 Earth days Over 40 missions to Venus, Magellan in 1990s Spins backwards, rises in the west, sets in the east Atmosphere of mostly carbon dioxide, causes acidic rain
Earth 3rd planet from sun 1 AU from sun 1 moon Only planet known to have life
Mars 4th planet from the sun 1.52 AU from sun 2 moons, Phobos and Deimos 1 rotation is a little over 24 hours Iron minerals on the surface rust giving Mars its red color Many missions to Mars, last one was the Curiosity
Calculate your age Terrestrial planets Your age times 365 Approximate length of year Divide the numbers Mercury EX: 28 x 365 = 10220 88 Earth days EX: 116 years on Mercury Venus 225 Earth days Earth 365 Earth days Mars 687 Earth days
Multiply your weight by Your weight on the planet Calculate your weight Planet Multiply your weight by Your weight on the planet Mercury 0.4 Venus 0.9 Earth 1 Mars