Performance of Veterinary Services Status of the OIE Programme OIE-PVS Evaluation of Performance of Veterinary Services Status of the OIE Programme Lessons Learnt Sofia, Bulgary January 2008 Comments (with copyright) / Commentaires (soumis au Copyright) : Dr Gastón Funes Head OIE Regional Activities Department 1
Topics of the Presentation OIE PVS Last Events Meeting of the ad hoc Group on VS (July 07) OIE PVS Workshop ENSV-Lyon (Nov 07) Current status of the OIE PVS programme Improvements on the OIE PVS process. Lessons learnt PVS next steps and OIE expectations
PVS – Last Events Meeting of the ad hoc Group on the Evaluation of Veterinary Services (OIE Headquarters Paris, 4-6 July 2007) PVS Workshop (ENSV Lyon, November 2007) (Next PVS Training Session for “new assessors” will be held on 18th – 19th February)
Meeting of the ad hoc Group on VS (July 07) feedback provided by experienced assessors to recommend amendments to the critical competencies and the indicators, in the PVS Tool
Meeting of the ad hoc Group on VS (July 07) The addition of five new competencies was proposed: Physical resources Laboratory Quality Assurance Disease prevention, control and eradication Veterinary public health and food safety Residue testing The following were divided into two competencies: Professional and technical competence of the personnel of the VS (“Staffing” and “Competencies”) Epidemiological Surveillance (“Active” and “Pasive”)
Meeting of the ad hoc Group on VS (July 07) New name of the PVS: ‘OIE Tool for the Evaluation of Performance of Veterinary Services (OIE-PVS Tool)’
OIE PVS Workshop ENSV-Lyon (Nov 07) feedback of experienced PVS assessors and peer-reviewers to reflect on the experience gained in this first year of operation of PVS and to take steps to improve the quality and to better harmonise all OIE PVS process Questionaire for Revision of the OIE Manual of Assessor (experts) Issues identified by the OIE (missions and peer reviews)
OIE PVS Workshop ENSV-Lyon (Nov 07) Main Conclusions on: Clarifications on roles and responsibilities of assessors (team leader / experts) and peer reviewer; Logistics, administrative and practical issues; Relationship between team leader and country (including preparation of missions); Clarifications on format, contents and quality of reports; Agreement on a PVS model PPT presentation for starting missions (for VS have good understanding…); Timeframe of the overall PVS process….
PVS evaluations conducted* *as of 09 January 2008 Total Member countries 172 Country requests 57 PVS conducted 44 Reports received (TL) 41 Reports peer reviewed (sent to MC) 31 Agreement on final report** 10 **(Vietnam, Kyrgystan, Cote D’Ivoire, Brazil, Guinea, Mexico, Algeria, Costa Rica, Mexico, Madagascar)
PVS Missions conducted 1 PVS evaluations made by regions Region OIE Member countries Country requests PVS Missions conducted 1 Africa 52 30 22 America 29 9 7 Asia and Pacific 28 6 Europe 50 5 Middle East 13 4 TOTAL 172 57 44 1 As of January 9, 2008
PVS evaluations made in Europe EUROPE (6 requests, 5 finished): Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Romania Reports sent to countries (3): Kyrgyzstan*, Ukraine, Armenia (*) Agreement from Kyrgyzstan on PVS final report and release to donors
OIE-PVS Assessment Procedure Official request from the Country* *(OIE sine qua non condition) Proposal of dates and PVS Expert Team Acceptance of mission by the Country Preparation of the mission between country and Team Leader PVS Mission / visit to the country
OIE-PVS Assessment Procedure Draft PVS country report (TL to OIE HQs) OIE Peer Review Final PVS Country report (OIE DG to MC) Acceptance by the country on the report Authorization (from MC) to release the report
Improving PVS process: Lessons Learnt Delays or no answers from MC after OIE proposal; Problems on communication or coordination between Team Leader and the country to be evaluated for the previous organisation of the mission; Request of information and documents from Team Leader to the country; Contact person
Improving PVS process: Lessons Learnt Final meeting (debriefing): Short and general statements on the findings of the missions, Press Media: Information should only include a general explanation of the procedure and objectives of the mission, Contact/relationship between country and TL after finishing missions (additional or pending information?)
Improving PVS process: Lessons Learnt Closer collaboration between TL and peer reviewer (agreement on preliminary report), Sooner answer (comments/agreement) from the evaluated country on the PVS report, Authorisation from the evaluated country to release the report?
Improving PVS process: Lessons Learnt General role of the OIE Regional and Sub-Regional Representatives in the PVS Evaluations: Helpers / facilitators / nexus, between: -Team Leaders and countries, to help in getting information in advance for TL, -Countries and OIE HQs, to get answers from MC, to follow up PVS reports (agreement/comments),
OIE-PVS Next Steps After PVS evaluations… Next steps: gap analysis process; and preparation of priority investment projects for funding requests (in collaboration with OIE partners or external consultants); PVS Follow Up missions (1-2 years after 1st mission)
PVS Programme: OIE Expectations To standardize as maximum as possible all PVS procedure steps, High quality trained PVS experts, with clear definition, understanding and implementation of their roles, To smooth and speed up the whole process (since Member Country request till agreement and release of final report), Sooner and more tangible outcomes and benefits to Member Countries (strengthening their VS),
OIE PVS Programme: Some reflections… it is essential to have an accurate diagnosis of needs before embarking in strengthening of veterinary services the efficiency and credibility of veterinary services is slowly gained and can be rapidly lost weak veterinary infrastructures in one or more countries, weaken the global ability to response to emerging diseases, therefore a public good OIE objectives can not be achieved without strong VS worlwide
PVS Matters: Responsible areas/persons at OIE HQs PVS-Tool: Documents (PVS, Indicators, Manual of Assessor, Web Application); OIE Ad Hoc Group; OIE internal Task Force: Dr Sarah Kahn ( Dr Yamato Atagi ( Organisation of missions/reports: Gral organization and follow up: Dr Gastón Funes ( Mr Stéphane Berlaud ( Financial matters: Dr Alain Dehove ( Ms Margarita Riela ( Logistics (flights, visas): Dr Daniel Chaisemartin ( Ms Alejandra Balmont ( Mr Alejandro Cruz (
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