Can prove each piece of data individually, or to prove the existence of the complete database [data 1, data 2, data 3]
It’s too expensive to store all of this information! I better just hash it KURWA! It’s too expensive to store all of this information! Now it’s only 32 bytes 0xabcdefg0123456789 And I can’t tell what it says unless you’ll show me the original document!
After the message was signed by patient it looks like this: 02abf4g5dde4dh661cd.. Signed by patient After the message was signed by the dr it looks like this: abf4g5dde4a201cd.. Signed by the Dr Original message: Give the guy his meds Dr address: 0x1234567 Show me the original message and I’ll verify that it was signed by you, by the doctor and that this message is indeed part of your medical record