Kill or Cure: the History of Medicine and Health Tuesdays, 10-11am OC1.04 (Oculus Building) Convenor: Elise Smith
The history of medicine?
The history of medicine and global history Why a medical perspective on the global past? Health and the body are enduring and immediate concerns across historical periods and peoples; A focus on medicine and health allows approaches to both natural and built environments; Focusing on ideas about and experiences of health and illness offers a unique perspective on social and cultural trends and beliefs: shows how they filtered into and influenced PRACTICE and daily life; Exploring the institutions, practitioners and consumers of medicines exposes the interplay between cultural, political, economic and social spheres.
What kind of history is this? Social Political Economic Cultural
Approaches to the history of medicine Through case studies Through individual accounts Through political debates and discourse Through the professional literature Through technologies, images and artefacts Through the media
Global Medical Systems
Empire, Health & Medicine Reproduction and Gender
Institutions and Professions
Medicine and the Body Politic Dr. Arthur's prescriptions [Uncle Sam is sick, his arm in a sling, his leg bandaged].Illustrated In: New York, Dec. 16, 1882 Harper's Weekly
Medicine and Technology