Weekly Assignments: Today Is… 9/28/2015 The smell of fall! (These assignments are for the week of 9/28.) Weekly Assignments: http://essayscorer.com/ph/ga/ecm/ Login: Your lunch number Password: last name2015(no spaces) 2nd and 6th DUE FRIDAY 4 Journal entries due Friday 4 paragraphs about novel FSCC&S 4 Paragraph templates due Friday KNOWSYS/vocabulary sheet due Friday (Go to Edmodo to get Knowsys-6 words) 1st and 5th Due FRIDAY 4 paragraph templates due Friday 4 paragraphs about novel ABC Murders Thinking Map Assignment on Edmodo due Friday Thanks Westby! _https://quizlet.com/_1irk3z _______________________________________ The smell of fall! The sounds of fall! What to do when you get to class today! Get the Edmodo App and download to your phone Last Class: How does a teacher prepare? Next Class: How to prove my claim I Lesson/Learning Target: (Honesty, Respect, Unity, Quality, Responsibility) I will get support from my peers and family with my writing skills I will be able to identify and use the parts of a narrative in my writing I will be able to enhance my writing by using compound and complex sentences.
Words to remember rhetoric: effective speech and writing pathos: an appeal to human emotions ethos: your good reputation logos: logical, or reasonable appeal argument: reasoning or issue audience: the person or people you address with your writing or speech