Visualize Success 2011 Alan Chorney Professional Services Visual South, Inc. Use Excel to Extract Accounting Data
Visualize Success 2012 What are Tables All transactions, both manufacturing and financial, are saved in a table or tables –Tables consist of fields Fields consist of the information the user enters into each field of a VISUAL window
Visualize Success 2012 How Can Tables be Used Tables can assist in researching month end out of balance issues –Some examples to follow Tables can be used to validate completeness of setup information –Extract all parts without a Product Code Tables can expedite the extraction of data from VISUAL –Extract all customer orders with part MMT-1996-DM Sure there are canned reports to get you this information (CUSTOMER SALES JOURNAL), but you cannot filter for both part id and customer id – selections are either/or Extract only the fields you want unlike printing to a CSV file
Visualize Success 2012 Data Extraction Data can be extracted using: –Microsoft Access Extracts data while in the live table – could be dangerous – could change data which may lead to data corruption issues –Crystal Report Writer Same here –Microsoft Excel – tool of choice in this workshop Extracts data from the live tables, but not working in the table –Cannot corrupt data
Visualize Success 2012 How to Extract Data using Excel Level of Technical skill needed – Very Limited –Take my word for that Knowledge of Tables and Fields in tables –General introduction to follow An ODBC on your computer – WHAT! –ODBC = Open Data Base Connection This allows access to the tables
Visualize Success 2012 Receivable & Cash Application There are 17 tables related to Receivables and Cash There are 6 basic tables a user might use – these are –Receivable table Header portion of the RECEIVABLE, INVOICE ENTRY window –Receivable_Line table The various lines that make up the invoice detail –Cash_Receipt table Header portion of the RECEIVABLE, CASH APPLICATION window –Cash_Receipt_Line table The lines containing the unpaid invoices –Cash_Receipt_Dist table & Receivable_Dist table (2 tables) The debit & credits associated to transaction Posting status of transaction
Visualize Success 2012 Receivable Table
Visualize Success 2012 Cash Receipt Table
Visualize Success 2012 Payable & Cash Disbursement There are 12 tables related to Payables There are 6 basic tables a user might use – these are –Payable Table - header portion of the PAYABLE, INVOICE ENTRY window –Payable_Line Table - the various lines that make up the voucher detail –Cash_Disbursement Table - header portion of the PAYABLE, CASH DISBURSEMENT window –Cash_Disburse_Line Table - the lines containing the vouchers to be paid –Cash_Disburse_Dist table & Payable_Dist Table (2 tables) The debit & credits associated to transaction Posting status of transaction
Visualize Success 2012 Payable Table
Visualize Success 2012 Cash Disbursement Table
Visualize Success 2012 General Journal There are 5 tables related to General Journal Entry There are 3 basic tables a user might use – these are: –GJ Table Header portion of the RECEIVABLE, INVOICE ENTRY window –GJ_Line Table The various lines that make up the journal detail –GJ_Dist table The debit & credits associated to transaction Posting status of transaction
Visualize Success 2012 General Journal Entries b
Visualize Success 2012 Accounting Window There are 3 tables related to Account Table There are 2 basic tables a user might use – these are: Account Table Header portion of the Accounting window Account_Balance Table The monthly Balance for the account
Visualize Success 2012 Accounting Window
Visualize Success 2012 Journal Batches All transactions, manufacturing or financial, are posted to the ledger thru journal batches –There are 13 batch types There are 2 tables associated to Journals –Journal_Batch table Header –Journal table The account distributions from the 13 batch types
Visualize Success 2012 How Does It Work Will now demonstrate how to research the following: –Causes for PO Accrual Report to be out of balance Vouchers posted in current period with receivers in subsequent period Payable lines with PO accrual account, but not associated to a receiver –Null Journal Batches Source window shows transaction posted, but posting did not reach ledger –Manual checks without check references Removes voucher from payable aging, but ledger not debited –Deposits with a deposit date subsequent to its posting date Effects cashbook and bank reconciliation
Visualize Success 2012 Thank You