An image can be seen in a shiny surface when light is – Force, Motion, and Energy 1 An image can be seen in a shiny surface when light is – A reflected B refracted C absorbed D stopped 5.6C 2 The picture shows what a student observed when he looked through a hand lens at a bee. What happens to light passing through a hand lens that makes the image of the bee appear larger? The light is – A absorbed B reflected C refracted D stopped
The illustration shows a light ray striking an object. Force, Motion, and Energy 3 The illustration shows a light ray striking an object. In the illustration, the light striking the object is – A absorbed B stopped C reflected D refracted 4 Which of the following materials would reflect the most light? A A flat sheet of aluminum foil B A dark brown carpet square C A smooth, black-topped table D A piece of red construction paper
A student placed a pencil in a glass of water. Light Force, Motion, and Energy 5 A student placed a pencil in a glass of water. The pencil appears broken because light – A always travels in a straight line B bends when it passes through water C makes the water in the glass evaporate D reflects the pencil on the water’s surface