Yr 9 NAPLAN Test
NAPLAN stands for: National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy It is the name of a series of tests all students in years 7 and 9 will sit in May. You will do 5 tests: Language Conventions Reading Writing And 2 Numeracy tests
Today we are going to practise some of the types of questions that will be in the NAPLAN tests. The following questions are examples from the Numeracy (calculator & non-calculator tests). These tests looks at your maths skills for Number, Measurement, Chance & Data, Space & Structure. Think about and talk about the strategies that help you to answer these questions.
Numeracy – Calculator Multiple choice State mean – 58% Item response analysis – why did students select these responses? What misconceptions are there? NAPLAN 2010 Yr 9 C17 CSC A 8 B 52 C 34 D 6 M *
Numeracy – non-calculator Multiple choice State mean – 61% Item response analysis – why did students select these responses? What misconceptions are there? NAPLAN 2010 Yr 9 N15 CSC A 33 B 54 C 7 D 5 M 1
Numeracy – Calculator Fill in the answer State mean – 26% Why did students have trouble with this question? NAPLAN 2010 Yr 9 C23 CSC 81 1 10 M 9
Numeracy – non-calculator Fill in the answer State mean – 26%, 14% Why did students have trouble with this question? NAPLAN 2010 Yr 9 N27 Yr 7 N27 CSCYr 9 CSCYr 7 76 82 1 13 10 M 11 8
As well as discussing the right answers, remember to talk about the strategies and the thinking you went through, to help you answer these questions.