Planet X You have arrived at Planet X which is just like Earth but has no atmosphere. What follows is a list of items you have brought with you. You must decide if they will work or not on Planet X. If they do work, just check Yes but give your reasons why you think that. If you think they don’t, check No and your reasons why they don’t work.
1 - suction cup
2 - match
3 - flashlight
4 - vacuum cleaner
5 - paper airplane
6 - helicopter
7 - rocket
8 - aerosol spray can
9 - baseball and bat
10 - nuclear fuel rod
11 - plant
12 - syringe
13 - parachute
14 - pogo stick
15 - swing
16 - automobile
17 - air bag
18 - balloon
19 - paint
20 - blow dryer
21 - frisbee
22 - TNT
23 - light stick
24 - siphon
25 - smoke detector
26 - drinking straw
27 - broom
28 - alarm clock
29 - shotgun
30 - radio
31 - bow and arrow
32 - bicycle pump
33 - flag
34 - golf
35 - squirt gun
36 - refrigerator
37 - magnet