The Asian Experience
The Disposition of European Power
Earliest European Possessions Spain Portugal
1905 The “Late Empire” The rise of Japan—dramatic and short- lived
China: The Prostrate Cow
Asia’s Characteristics. Much stronger state development before the arrival of the Colonial powers. Aim was to buy influence, back local power structure, exclude European rivals, and control markets. Much of the early development was under the influence of Chartered Companies. Trade and profit was their sole aim.
Brought capitalism into existing structure Obtained plantation Land by favoring one Local power over another
Consequences Landlordism: as a result of debt, many Indian peasants fell into the hands of local capitalists who loaned money at rapacious rates, and ended up owning the land. The same problem existed in China, and it was the major reason why the Chinese revolution of 1949 came out of the countryside. The problem for Asia was to (i) incorporate the plantations, (ii) cope with the growing number of landless either through land settlement or alternative employment, (iii) to feed rapidly rising populations.