Citizens Ebanking Login Process Step1: You will receive Credential in Pdf on registered Email id from Mail format is provided below
Step2: Pdf will be password protected Step2: Pdf will be password protected. To open the PDF use LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME as a logic
After entering the password, PDF file will opened as below Details required for login process
Step 4: Go to Citizens bank website and click on Ebanklogin or type
Step 5: Then following page will appear on your Screen.
Step 6: Provide your login ID which has been received in PDF file Step 6: Provide your login ID which has been received in PDF file. Also provide verification code to proceed. Then, Click on login.
Step7: After you login following page appear. Provide your Password received on PDF file and click on login.
Step 8: After login, term and condition will displayed, click on agree for further processing. Click here
Step 9: After login, you must register the security questions as below: At least two questions should answered. Transaction password must enter to register your security questions & answer. Click on continue Provide transaction Password Click here
Step 10: Update phrase detail by clicking on any image and must add phrase.
Step 11: Now, you must change the sign on password & transaction password as per password policy.
For sign on password In the password section enter the old password given to previously and in new password, enter the new password. For transaction password In the password section enter the old password given to previously and in new password, enter the new password.( Example: Haha$12345) The sign on password should be different from transaction password. (Example: Hoho#54321) Then click on submit.