The Atlantic Forum Process and outcomes European Commission – DG MARE


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Presentation transcript:

The Atlantic Forum Process and outcomes European Commission – DG MARE MARITIME AFFAIRS The Atlantic Forum Process and outcomes European Commission – DG MARE Luis Cuervo Spottorno ECOSOC meeting Bilbao, 1 March 2012

Economic potential of sea largely untapped energy food minerals pharmaceuticals

The strategy as a means to meet EU2020 objectives Ecosystem based management of living resources Reduction of carbon emissions Protection against risk and emergencies Exploitation of seafloor resources Socially inclusive growth

A window of opportunity EU’s new financial framework begins in 2014 planning is beginning now

General approach OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME – INTERVENTION LOGIC EU 2020 headline targets, GDP, employment rate Result indicators Output indicators Thematic objectives Specific objectives corresponding to investment priorities Actions THE PARTNERSHIP CONTRACT National Reform Programme, national targets Disparities and development needs THE COMMON STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK Objectives and targets of EU 2020 Key territorial challenges Key actions

Common Strategic Framework comprehensive investment strategy for all funds, including rural development and maritime and fisheries policies Translates thematic objectives into key actions for Member States and regions Establishes priority areas for cooperation activities Ensures better coherence and consistency with the National Reform Programmes

Partnership Contract Prepared at national level with close involvement of partners Agreed between the Commission and Member State, includes: contribution of CSF Funds to achieve thematic objectives integrated approach for territorial development Arrangements for effective implementation: involvement of partners, ex-ante conditionalities, performance framework, additionality Arrangements for efficient implementation: administrative capacity, administrative burden reduction

How can these funds unlock potential of sea ? Budget € billion Structural and Cohesion 376.0 Research - Horizon 2020 80.0 Maritime and Fisheries Fund 6.6 Competitiveness of Enterprises and SMEs 2.5 LIFE+ 3.6 Agricultural Fund for Rural Development 101.2 External Action Instruments 96.2 Total 666.1

Atlantic Forum - timetable February-March 2012 gathering of proposals visits to 5 EU Atlantic States on-line consultation May 2012 priority actions defined April-July 2012 stakeholder events to refine and review proposals Steering Group prepares Consultation Document autumn 2012 Consultation document for discussion further stakeholder events November 2012 draft Action Plan → ideas for National Reform Programs & Partnership Contracts early 2013 close Forum Spring 2013 adoption of Action Plan by Commission

Thank you very much! 10