AP Statistics Chapter 12 Notes.


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Presentation transcript:

AP Statistics Chapter 12 Notes

One – sample t-test When you do not have σ, you must use a t-test rather than a z-test. One-sample t-test  Be sure to check if the test is one or two sided. Use the t-distribution table to estimate the p-value or find it exactly using the calculator.

Reminders In a matched pairs design, the parameter you are testing is the difference between treatments. In this case, it is called a paired t-test. Always check to make sure conditions are met. You may be required to analyze Type I and Type II errors as well. *Remember: t procedures are robust against non-Normality except for when there are outliers or strong skew.

Test for proportions Remember the formula for a confidence interval for proportions. When performing a significance test, we will calculate standard error using the value for p specified in the null hypothesis.

One proportion z-test *Remember the Normality condition* H0: p = p0 Ha: p ≠ > or < p0