Reading Math CALENDAR Birthdays REMINDERs FIRST GRADE NEWS November is an exciting time where we will be learning about turkeys, the mayflower, pilgrims, and the Indians. We will be reading and doing several projects this month. Please continue to work on the sight word lists. We will also be working on several different spelling rules including the ending (k) sound is spelled ck after a short vowel and the n before a k will say the ng sound as in sink, bank, honk, sunk! Spelling Lists will continue to come home the weeks that we have a full week of school. CALENDAR 5th – Remember to move clocks BACK on hour! 7th – Big Cheese Pizza Night for CPTA 9th – Family Fun Night 14th – 1st/2nd Musical Program at 7:00pm 20th – CPTA Meeting at 5:30PM 23rd-25th – NO SCHOOL HAPPY THANKSGIVING! 30th – Monthly Homework Due Birthdays 8th – Aliyah Allen Math We are working on number sense. We continue to work on telling what number is in the tens and ones place, building numbers (picture form and expanded form), and telling what is 1 less / 1 more and 10 less /10 more! We have been solving word problems and are working on the steps needed to solve these problems. Addition and Subtraction will continue to be worked on with seeing groups of 10. Addition And Subtractions strategies will be learned, Friends of 10, Doubles, Doubles plus 1. REMINDERs Disguise a Turkey due back Nov. 7th! November Homework sheets are in the kids binders, please complete 15 things and return by Nov. 30h! Students are needing pencils. I would appreciate if you would buy the Dixon Ticonderoga brand. The lead in the other pencils is falling out.