Preparing for College Open Days & Applications Workshop Pete Small Corporate PowerPoint Template (Version 2, May 2004) – for audiences of up to 20
Aims & Objectives To review your Post 16 options What does the process of open days & applications involve How to plan & prepare in Year 11 Making a good impression & preparing for interviews
Reminder: Your choices at 16: College/6th form Apprenticeship / Work-based learning Foundation Learning
Open Days When do they occur in the academic year? How many can I attend ? What will happen on the day? (talks/ practical activities) Who should I take with me? (parents/friends) Questions that you should ask Should I apply on the day? *This is your chance to make a good first impression! What not to do:- Turn up late ‘Dress down’ Sit chatting with friends – listen to the presentations as that is what you are there to do!
Applications How do I apply? Applications can currently be made in 2 formats; Paper-based applications (direct from the college/ 6th form) Online via the college/ 6th forms website How many college/ 6th form applications can I make? Answer: As many as you like!
Applications – What to check when making your application Spelling and grammar are essential when making applications Change to impress Who should check my application for me? - Teacher / Head of Year - Parent / guardian – somebody reliable!
Moving On - Sources of Information Title ‘The Home page’ appears and expands and contracts Picture of Home page appears automatically, then arrows pointing to individual sections of the site fly into view. Points to mention: The content of the website is accessed through this Home page with over 125 pages of information and advice already and expanding all the time. Mention main sections – Live Chat, Contact us, Events, Videos and main information section such as Choices at 16. You will talk about these sections in more detail throughout this presentation. Click with the mouse button to move onto next slide Website: Email: Telephone: 07920421127 9