5 Wonders of Heaven You Need to Know 1 Peter 1:3-5
5 Wonders of Heaven Heaven Is Imperishable (In Its Endurance) Heaven is eternal, permanent, cannot decay and will never end (1 Cor. 9:25) Contrast with earthly life & earthly things (which easily decay) Heaven will last forever! Heaven Is Undefiled (In Its Purity) Heaven is untouched, unaffected and unstained by sin and evil (Rev. 21:27) Contrast with earthly life & earthly things (which easily tainted) Heaven will be pure and sin-free! Heaven Is Unfading (In Its Beauty) Heaven’s glory and beauty are perpetually new (Rev. 21:1-2; 22:2) Contrast with earthly life & earthly things (which easily wear out) Heaven will be breath-taking!
5 Wonders of Heaven Heaven Is Reserved Heaven Is Ready Eternal life is not a present possession but is promised in heaven (1 John 2:25; Tit. 1:2) Heaven is reserved “for you.” For who? For those who have been born again (v. 3; cf. John 3:3-5) For those who have the living hope (v. 3; cf. Rom. 8:23-24) For those who are children of God, and thus heirs (v. 4; cf. Rom. 8:13-17) For those who are “being kept” (v. 5; cf. John 10:28-29) We are guarded/kept/protected “by the power of God” We are guarded/kept/protected “through faith” Contrast with earth and life on earth that will ultimately end (2 Pet. 3:10-11; Heb. 9:27) Only you can cancel the reservation! Heaven Is Ready Jesus said that He was going “to prepare a place” (John 14:1-3) God tells us that the salvation of our souls in heaven is “ready” (v. 5) Heaven is ready for you! Are you ready for heaven?