Word List: man, manu = hand
to set free to lend a hand in freeing someone; to release from someone’s hand
emancipate to set free to lend a hand in freeing someone; to release from someone’s hand
manacles handcuffs
a person who has the upper hand; a person who is in charge of someone or something
manager a person who has the upper hand; a person who is in charge of someone or something
an order or command placed in one’s hands
mandate an order or command placed in one’s hands
to handily or skillfully go around something
maneuver to handily or skillfully go around something
a treatment for the hands or nails
manicure a treatment for the hands or nails
to skillfully operate by hand
manipulate to skillfully operate by hand
a handbook; a book of directions
manual a handbook; a book of directions
to make by hand or by machine; to change raw material into a new product
manufacture to make by hand or by machine; to change raw material into a new product
a handwritten or typed piece of writing, such as a book
manuscript a handwritten or typed piece of writing, such as a book