Working group Ecological Flows


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Presentation transcript:

Working group Ecological Flows Leaders Com, ES, FR

The final objective A guidance on ecological flows by 2014 A guidance on ecological parameters / ecological flows and hydrological parameters for assessing quantitative aspects (the volume and level or rate of flow) and the link to GES are defined, allowing for an assessment of pressures from all abstractions and climate change.

Two complementary approaches A conceptual framework for understanding, definition(s), methodologies, implementation (the document produced within the WS&Drought group would serve as a basis) A pragmatic field approach on the basis of the tools, methodologies, implementation, bottlenecks coming from different countries

Working method Drafting a guidance : table of content, chapters, sharing the work within WG Workshops for exchanges of experience The first step, October 24th the kick off meeting of the WG in Brussels

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