COMPUTER NETWORKS CS610 Lecture-41 Hammad Khalid Khan
Review Lecture 40 Routing in The Global Internet Autonomous System Concepts IGP & EGP Optimal Routes
Routes and Data Traffic Each ISP is an autonomous system that uses an Exterior Gateway Protocol to advertise its customers’ networks to other ISPs After an ISP advertises destination D, datagrams destined for D can begin to arrive
Routes and Data Traffic
Internet Routing Protocols Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) Routing Information Protocol (RIP) Open Shortest Path First Protocol (OSPF)
Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) Provides routing among autonomous systems (EGP) Policies to control routes advertised Uses reliable transport (TCP) Gives path of autonomous systems for each destination Currently the EGP of choice in the Internet Current version is four (BGP-4) Facilities for Transit Routing
The Routing Information Protocol (RIP) Routing within an autonomous system (IGP) Hop count metric Unreliable transport (uses UDP) Broadcast or multicast delivery Default Route Propagation Distance vector algorithm Passive version for host
Summary Routes and Data Traffic Border Gateway Protocol Routing Information Protocol