Decision Making In Clans and in the Grand Council
The Grand Council peace treaties trade agreements The Grand council would consist of all 5 nations and they would meet to discuss things such as: peace treaties trade agreements decisions to go to war.
HOYANEH Grand council is made up of 50 Hoyaneh in total. The Hoyaneh were chosen by the clan mothers to make decisions on behalf of their clans at Grand Council. Grand council is made up of 50 Hoyaneh in total.
What happened if the Hoyaneh didn’t listen to their Clan Mother? The Clan Mother would warn him three times before she removed him and chose someone else.
Fill in this chart in your notes.
Fill in this chart in your notes. 14 9 10 50 8 9 Fill in this chart in your notes.
Keepers of the Council Fire Older Brothers Younger Brothers Seneca and Mohawk Reach Consensus Cayuga and Oneida reach consensus Onondaga give a judgement If all nations agree Decision Until consensus is reached If Onondaga do not confirm the decision
Practice We are going to make a decision using consensus that will be brought to the clan mother (Mrs. Malec) As a clan, we need to decide whether or not we want to trade with a group that is moving closer to our territory. They have a lot of unique goods to trade for, but they have been known in the past to cause battles with other groups. What should we do?
Council (Women’s and Men’s) We will divide and meet as a men’s council and a women’s council. Everyone who wants to talk to can BUT you have to hold on to the speaking ball to talk. Once you come up with a solution that you think will work say “All in favor” and if everyone puts their hand up, its passed. If even ONE person doesn’t agree it isn’t passed. If you put your hand up to disagree you need to say why and give a suggestion of a compromise you could live with.
Onondaga Oneida Mohawk Seneca Cayuga
Onondaga Oneida Mohawk Seneca Cayuga
The Grand Council We are all Hoyaneh for the Iroquois Confederacy. We need to work as part of the grand council so we can make a decision on the following problem. We need to decide if we are going to sign a peace treaty with the British. We know that the British will trade with us, and potentially help us with their guns if we face an enemy. But, if we do, we may be expected to fight wars with them that we wouldn’t normally be involved in and we know that the French have hurt us in the past. What should we do?