Enterotypes of the distal gut microbial profiles. Enterotypes of the distal gut microbial profiles. (A) Relative abundances of the main enterotype drivers, Prevotella and Bacteroides, among the two identified clusters. Each violin shows the density distribution of genus abundance among all samples within the cluster (thickness of the violin), median value (black dot), and 25% to 75% range of values (black bar). (B) Sample clustering into different enterotypes based on the between-cluster ordination analysis. (C) Comparison of Prevotella and Bacteroides relative abundances in four samples based on sequencing (Seq) and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) results. Representative fluorescent images are shown on the right; pink coloring corresponds to genus-specific fluorescent probes, and blue coloring represents DAPI DNA staining. (D) Results of weighted UniFrac distance-based PCoA performed using OTU abundances showing separation of fecal samples between industrialized and nonindustrialized countries. The statistical significance of group separation is based on the Davies-Bouldin index. Panels E and F display the same PCoA space, with relative abundances of Prevotella (E) and Bacteroides (F) overlaid as dot color gradients. V. Shankar et al. mSystems 2017; doi:10.1128/mSystems.00169-16