New Social Order Mr. Russler
History of Feudalism A. Why was there need for new political and military arrangements in Western Europe? 1. In the years following the collapse of the ___________________________, personal loyalties ________________________ the Roman sense of civic responsibilities toward the state. Roman Empire replaced
History of Feudalism B. How do you think this shift toward _______________________ might have related to the increasing emphasis on _______________________? personal loyalties local government 1. With ___________________________________ a person does not have to rely on many people- just the few who he has loyalties to. personal loyalties C. These _______________________________________ contributed to a new political system known as _______________________________ personal loyalties feudalism D. What is the most important goal of feudalism? 1. To ____________________________________________________. acquire land
Key Ideas of Feudalism A. The control of the land is key to Feudalism 1. In exchange for _______________________ assistance and other services, one ___________________ granted _____________________ to another. Military Lord land 2. This land is called a _______________________________ fief
Key Ideas of Feudalism B. Feudalism was a system in which _______________ power became __________________ power. public private 1. The noble who received the land from the lord is called a _______________________________ vassal
Key Ideas of Feudalism C. Feudalism provided a system of local _________________. defense 1. The most important duty of the vassal was to help the lord in ________________________________________. battle
The Feudal Pyramid In theory, the feudal system was a pyramid
Lords Vassals
New Social Order The End