Blood Notes
Types of Blood Cells Erythrocytes – red blood cells, carry o2 and co2, 4-5 million Leukocytes – white blood cells, fight invaders, 5-10 thousand Thrombocytes – platelets, clot blood, 250 thousand
Liquid Plasma – liquid portion of blood Serum – plasma without clotting factors
Common Tests Hematocrit – measure of liquid to solid ratio; diagnose dehydration Hemoglobin – measure of amount of iron in RBC; diagnose anemia
Blood Types A, B, AB, O Rh+ and Rh- Universal donor – O- Universal recipient – AB+
Disorders Anemia Pernicious anemia Sickle cell anemia Leukemia Leukopenia Hemophillia Hemorrhage Diabetes Mellitus Hypoglycemia Petechiae Ecchymosis