Soaring to 10th Grade!
At the end of this session, you will know the following: What does the State of Delaware require for graduation? How do I request courses for next school year? How do I know what classes I will need to take next year? What will happen if I do not return my course selection sheet?
What specifically does Delaware require for graduation?
The State of Delaware requires a MINIMUM of 24 credits earned to be eligible to receive a high school diploma. So let’s look at how those credits are divided among the subject areas…
ENGLISH 4 English credits *9th-English 9 *10th-American Literature What does this look like at DAPSS? *9th-English 9 *10th-American Literature *11th-British Literature *12th- World Literature OR College English
MATH 4 Math credits *9th- Algebra 1 (or Geometry) (Algebra 2 REQUIRED) What does this look like at DAPSS? *9th- Algebra 1 (or Geometry) *10th- Geometry (or Algebra 2) *11th- Algebra 2 (or Pre-Calculus) *12th- Pre-Calculus, Senior Math, or College Math
SCIENCE 3 Science credits What does this look like at DAPSS? (Biology REQUIRED) What does this look like at DAPSS? *9th- Physical Science *10th- Biology *11th-Environmental Science or Chemistry *12th-Elective Credit (Environmental Science, Chemistry)
3 Social Studies credits (U.S. History REQUIRED) What does this look like at DAPSS? * 9th- World Geography *10th- Civics/Economics *11th- U.S. History *12th- Elective Credit (World History, Psychology, Military History, Survey Of Criminal Justice)
2 World Language credits What does this look like at DAPSS? *9th- Spanish 1 *10th- Spanish 2 *11th- Elective- Spanish 3 *12th- Elective- Spanish 4
PHYSICAL EDUCATION/HEALTH 1 P.E. Credit / .5 Health Credit What does this look like at DAPSS? *9th- PE (1 semester, .5 credit) Health (1 semester) *10th- PE (3 marking periods, .75 credit) Driver Education (1 marking period) *11th/12th – Physical Education Advanced (elective credit)
3 Career Pathway Credits Public Safety Pathway What does this look like at DAPSS? *9th- Public Safety 1 *10th- Public Safety 2 *11th- Public Safety 3 *12th- Public Safety 4 (EMR or EMT)
Electives 3.5 Elective Credits What does this look like at DAPSS? *9th- choose 1 elective credit *10th- choose 1 elective credit *11th- choose 3 elective credits *12th- choose up to 5 elective credits
How Do I Request Courses For Next School Year? - You will receive your Course Selection Sheet today, along with a 2017-2018 Course Catalog - Take it home, ask a parent/guardian to review it with you as you make your selections. - Make sure you select 8 credits and 2 alternate elective credit courses! - You and a parent/guardian need to sign the Course Selection Sheet and provide an accurate e-mail address! -Return your Course Selection Sheet to Mrs. Beck’s office by no later than Wednesday 5/10/17!
Let’s take a look at the Course Selection Sheet and Course Catalog together!
How Do I Know What Classes I Need To Request For Next Year? *Look at the “10th Grade Courses” column on the Course Selection sheet provided to you. *Use the DAPSS Course Catalog to find all of the information about each course, especially the prerequisites. *If you are a 9R student, check your transcript in HAC to find out what credits you have already earned…you cannot earn the same credit twice.
What Happens If I Do Not Return My Course Selection Sheet? 1. You will be placed in the appropriate academic courses needed. 2. Your electives will be based on wherever we have seats available after the rest of the cadets have been scheduled. 3. A schedule change in September will not be an option, since you could not be bothered to let me know in advance which courses you wanted.
Turn in completed Course Selection Sheets to Mrs. Beck’s office Place in Mrs. Beck’s locked mailbox, on the wall outside her office. PLEASE DO NOT FOLD THE COURSE SELECTION SHEET. Hand it directly to Mrs. Beck IN her office. DO NOT hand it to her in the hallway, main office, or any other location.
QUESTIONS?? IF YOU STILL HAVE QUESTIONS AFTER OUR SESSION TODAY… E-mail Mrs. Beck at Jot your question on a sheet of paper, labeled with your full name and place it in Mrs. Beck’s locked mailbox on the wall outside her office.