Introduction to HESES12 tables London 20 September 2012 Corinna Chandler
List of tables to be completed Tables 1-3: Counts of years of instance (full-time, sandwich year- out, part-time) Table 4: Home and EU undergraduate whole years abroad Table 5: Further student breakdowns for planning purposes Table 6: Counts of years of instance monitored for student number control purposes Table 7: Forecast of counts of HEFCE-fundable and employer co-funded years of instance and FTE HESES12 tables for completion
What these tables collect Table 1 = full-time, Table 2 = sandwich year-out, Table 3 = part- time Price group (B, C, D, ITT(QTS), INSET(QTS)) Length of study (Standard, Long) Level of study (UG, PGT, PGR) Fundability status (HEFCE-fundable, non-fundable, Island and overseas) Forecast of years not completed Table 3 = FTE also Tables 1-3: Counts of years of instance (1)
What these tables are used for Re-calculation of high cost funding and phase-out funding Informing targeted allocations for Giving an early indication of the number of HE students studying in Tables 1-3: Counts of years of instance (2)
What this table collects Full-time and sandwich year-out undergraduate whole years abroad split by: HEFCE-fundable and non-fundable Regulated £0 and Regulated half fee levels What this table is used for Calculation of ERASMUS fee compensation Table 4: Home and EU undergraduate whole years abroad
Table 5: Further student breakdowns for planning purposes What this table collects Full-time/sandwich year-out and part-time, also split by Home, Other EU and Island and Overseas Finer breakdown of level of study HEFCE-fundable and non-fundable All years as well as new entrants Also collects data on years that are franchised out What this table is used for Largely used for government planning purposes Not used for funding purposes
Table 6: Counts of years of instance monitored for SNC purposes What this table collects Full-time years of instance monitored for student number control purposes HEFCE-fundable and employer co-funded Broken down by UG in AAB+ equivalent population, UG not in AAB+ equivalent population and PGCE UG courses leading to a first registrable medical or dental qualification Separates those who withdraw before census date from those who withdraw after census date What this table is used for Monitor recruitment against the student number control
Table 7: Forecast of counts of years of instance and FTE What this table collects Price group (A, B, C/C1/C2, D) Level of study (UG, PG or PG subject to UG fee) Mode of study (full-time, sandwich year-out or part-time) Old-regime or new-regime Fundability status (HEFCE-fundable, employer co-funded) FTE for part-time years What this table is used for Informing initial allocation of teaching funds for